Shaking Obliviously

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"What does it mean to defend yourself, how does one go about it, and why is it so important?" Frieda asked as she stood before her class, "why it's important to know self defense magic and regular wise?"

"Well it's to protect yourself in a situation where you can get hurt," Kim said thinking "it's important because it can necessarily save your life. It's honestly good to know both types, for the sake of knowing; and because if you're ever left powerless or weakened, you need to have some way to defend yourself."

"Yeah but how does punching and kicking help when the person you're facing has long range magic, you can be hit down while trying to attack, but even more so run away," Sasha asked "if you're hit it's all over, there's no standing chance."

"Rather try," Gamma said "I mean if your weak or powerless what do you have to loose anyways, in a sticky situation you never know how far self defense can help."

"Alright let's take this route, rainbow fairies," Frieda said looking at the rainbow wielders "how many of you know self defense?"

A few hands flew up into the air while the other rainbow fairies looked down, ashamed.

"Now it's nothing to be ashamed of if you don't," Frieda said lightly "can someone tell me why I asked that?"

"Well because every rainbow fairy has the constant struggle of being powerless with the rainbow moon," Roxy said "so they have to find alternative methods of fighting, namely self defense."

"That's right Roxy," Frieda said as she faced her class "there is no harm in learning more then one way to defend yourself. Granted, no you won't always be successful, because yes your opponent has the upper hand, but you have a standing chance, you have stall time. Once back up comes you can breathe easily, but you've got to fight with every fiber in you, find your reason and use it to motivate you."

"Maybe but you can't stall forever," Alice said "at some point you'll tire out, especially if your out numbered, it's not an easy fight."

"I never said it would be easy now did I," Frieda said smirking, "alright how about this, let's test it out right here, right now."

"Wait actually," Hannah said looking up shyly "how can we even do that?"

"Well it's actually quite simple," Frieda said smiling "actually Hannah, come you're gonna help with it!"

"I am," Hannah said shocked wishing to disappear back into the background, "I'm perfectly fine where I am Ms. Frieda I don't think you need me."

Frieda walked over to the back of the classroom where Hannah sat, "of course I need you," Frieda said whispering encouragingly "you're not as invisible as you think Hannah, why don't you prove to everyone, and yourself just how great you can be. What do you say?"

"I suppose it wouldn't hurt to give it a try," Hannah muttered to herself quietly standing up and walking to the front of the room with Frieda behind her.

"Alright then," Frieda said facing the class "can I have another volunteer? Or will I have to choose someone?"

"I'll do it," Sasha said standing up.

"Well actually," Amelia said quietly standing up "I was hoping I could go."

Frieda looked between the two fairies, Sasha being the fairy of starlight and Amelia being the fairy of the water dragon; both held immense power, but up against Hannah, Frieda smiled Hannah would surprise everyone and she knew it.

"Amelia, I'm surprised you're willing to volunteer normally I'd have to pick you," Frieda said smiling lightly "thank you for your offer Sasha, but Amelia will be helping with this presentation."

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