The Right Time

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Frieda sat still as she blinked her eyes a couple of times, as she allowed herself to adjust to the brightness of her room.

How did she get here? The last thing she remembered, was ending her class yesterday. She saw that Ace sat bedside her bed tired, looking down at his hands. "What are they keeping from me?"

Ace looked up in shock, "you're up?!"

"Yes I am," Frieda said as she stood in front of him, "Ace this is the second time I can't remember how I got where I am or what happened in between then and here. What's going on, what do you guys know that I don't?"

"Frieda, the Winx will tell you," Ace said "I hope at least, but if they don't then I'll tell you, you deserve to know."

"My brother and Lila where there too you know," Frieda said staring at him, "if I ask them they'll tell me with no hesitation."

"I know," Ace said "but the Winx don't want to worry you more."

"Worry me more," Frieda said "last time I checked I'm not overwhelmed by anything at the current moment, corruption point is over and done, I'm back and better then ever."

"I mean I'm concerned about what Selina and Tessa can do if their not stopped. They killed someone Ace and they won't hesitate to do it again. Whatever's happening I need to know," Frieda said as she played with her hands, "it's my life, I'm going to figure out everything sooner or later."

"I know," Ace said "that's what I told the Winx, I'm on your side for this, but I do think they'll tell you. Do keep in mind you've kept many of things from them in the past, at least now you know how it feels to be in their shoes."

"But I didn't tell them those things for a good reason," Frieda said "and it worked out well for everyone in the end."

"Did you ever think that the Winx aren't telling you for I don't know," Ace said looking at her, "a good reason? I know you want answers, but be patient they just want to help you."

"Yeah you're right," Frieda said, "well I better get out there. You know what's happening tonight right?"

"Of course," Ace said smiling "I've actually got to head out to help with it, but I'll see you there?"

"Of course you know none of us are missing this," Frieda said smiling "it's so exciting!"

"Shh remember it's a surprise," Ace said in a whisper, "we don't want to spoil it!"

"Right," Frieda said "but still it's so exciting! Alright I should go out there and face the music. I'll see you tonight?"

"You know it!" Ace said as he left Frieda's room through the secret closet to go say goodbye to Lillian before he left Alfea.

Frieda smiled softly as she opened the door to the common room, "hi Winx, what's up?"

"Oh good Frieda, we were just thinking about checking on you," Flora said "how are you doing?"

"I'm good, I wish I knew why this was happening," Frieda said sighing knowing this wasn't the time to fish for answers. "Oh well, what were you girls talking about before I walked in?"

The group looked around guilty, they we're talking about the situation Frieda was in, but they weren't sure if now was the right time to tell her, or ever for that matter.

"Oh," Bloom said "we were talking about the box James gave you."

"Oh yeah," Aisha said smiling "we were trying to guess what's inside!"

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