Suspicion and Deceit

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The Winx sat in Ms. F's office nervous, Lillian and Ace where there, as well as one of Frieda's students; Sasha.

What's going on Ms. F, Stella asked why did you call us all here?

I'm sure you all noticed something different about Frieda, Ms. F said she was fine before and during the class she gave Sasha; yet once the rainbow council showed up, they took her and disappeared, and she came back as a different person.

So then why did you allow the room change, Bloom said if Frieda was still in our room we could figure this out!

I assure you me and Frieda had little decision in this Ms. F said; the rainbow council practically forced me to agree for if I didn't they'd suspend me as headmistress.

They can't do that Musa said, can they?

I'm afraid the rainbow council has more power in this case Ms. F said, and I'm worried for Frieda; she couldn't tell me anything, not with Chelsie by her side but she hinted to me that something much bigger was happening, that it wasn't simply just a room change. I'm worried Frieda's in danger.

How can we help her Tecna asked, she's right here, we're not going to sit and do nothing pretending that nothings going on!

I appreciate your enthusiasm Ms. F said, but sadly it's not that simple; we don't know what Frieda's going through right now to even attempt to help her. All we know is that it involves the rainbow council; and that alone is a bad sign. The only time Chelsie will let Frieda out is for her classes, unless she's found away around that too, during that time you must try to figure out what's going on; but you also must be smart for if it's not actually Frieda the council will figure out what we're up to and make it harder to get in touch with her.

I have her class today Sasha said, it's supposed to be interactive which gives a perfect reason for you to come. Frieda's magic looks like this Sasha said pulling up the hologram picture she had, if it's anyone else pretending to be her the magic will look different, we just need to catch a glimpse of it when she does a spell or spark her magic.

Thank you Sasha, during that class I need some of you to go up to the north tower, Ms. F said if Frieda's not teaching she'll be trapped there; if you find her don't expect much. They're watching her every move she has to be careful with every sentence that she says.

I'll do that Flora said, I'm going to get my friend back!

Count me in too Lillian said, we're going to help her.

Me too Ace said, she might be hurt, I'll be able to heal her.

No Ace, Aisha said we can't let them know we're onto them, we can't heal her it'll tip them off.

I'm afraid Aisha is right Ace, Ms. F said, you, Tecna, Aisha, Musa and Stella will watch over Frieda's class, I'm sure you know the spell that will change your looks so you won't be recognized, Ace will be there as himself in case anyone gets hurt during the interactive class. While you five are there Flora, Lillian, and Bloom will check the north tower for Frieda and try to figure out the situation.

Let's save our friend Stella said, what time is this going down?

Frieda's class is the second class right after lunch break Sasha said, me and my team will help you blend in as much as possible, and remember you need to keep your cover even if it is really Frieda. We're going to try to meet up with her after class if it's really is her, if not we're going to stall until Lillian gives us the all clear that they're done with the north tower.

Good luck girls, we'll meet again soon to discuss whatever is about to go down Ms. F said, let's bring Frieda back.


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