Waiting In The Wings

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Tessa stood on her balcony, she was disappointed in herself, not only had her plan failed, but she let her mother down. They were so close and Frieda had to come in and ruin everything like always. What did the Winx see in Frieda, she was just a kid pretending to be something more then she was.

Tessa watched the diamond fairies below her working, these fairies trusted her mother and the lies she made, they had fallen into their grip, but how to do the same for the Winx? Frustration filled Tessa as she turned back into her room, why was it always about those seven; it was time for someone else to have to the spot light, she laughed at herself, who was she kidding it would always be about them.

"Guess by now I should have guessed," Tessa said to herself as she sat down on her bed, "if you're not the main, then you're just in the way. I know I was meant for glory, because I never knew what my story could bring, so I sat waiting in the wings."

"I heard my name and yet I stayed hidden from sight. Played by the game, and I kept on waiting. Just trying to find my way," Tessa said "as I blindly played by the rules of Frieda's game. I kept on waiting in the wings."

Selina walked passed Tessa's room and quietly stood in the doorway listening into Tessa's conversation with herself.

"I had the passion and the drive, soon enough I knew my time would arrive. When they finally called my name" Tessa said the pain clearly heard in her voice, "no one heard over Frieda's praise, and I was left waiting in the wings."

"Finally my cue, and I kept on waiting. Missed my chance, and yet I still stand waiting. It's always someone else they see, while I'm left waiting in the wings;" Tessa said "I'm growing tired of waiting, my chance come then I blink and they're gone. No one care if I'm forgotten, but to me it stings, as I keep waiting in the wings."

"I'll shed no tears; I'm freakin done with waiting. If no one cheers, well screw them, I'm done with waiting. But then, someone calls my name..." Tessa said as she looked up and caught her mother's glance "and I'm back waiting in the wings."

"I know how you feel Tessa, to be overshadowed and never seen, to feel as if the world could continue on perfectly fine without you in it," Selina said "those fairies never understand that we do what we do for a reason, and even if they did; they wouldn't agree with our reasoning."

"Thanks mom," Tessa said smiling softly "we were so close and Frieda just had come and save the day! I understand your hatred against her, somehow she always finds a way to ruin our plans!"

"Well my dear that's all about to change," Selina said smirking "I came up with a plan, a plan so evil, it might just end with Frieda falling into our hands. Tonight when the moon rises, the rainbow moon will start and we will both loose our powers, but there's a loop hole!"

"A loop hole," Tessa said eagerly, the only known loop hole was held by Frieda, she had been able to use her powers on a rainbow moon with no explanation more then one, "please do tell, what is it!" 

"If someone where to gain a new power or transformation on the rainbow moon, their power's would be given back to them because their power's are different then the one's they started the rainbow moon with," Selina said with a wicked grin on her face. "I have a spell set up on a timer, as soon as our powers are taken the spell will activate making it seem like we gained a new power, giving us back our magic. Then we go find Frieda and end her once and for all, because last I head she's all alone. Without the Winx by her side, and with Frieda powerless there is no way we could loose."

"Tonight Tessa,"Selina said "as the moon rises into the sky, and darkness clouds the light, we will end Frieda once and for all!"

Tessa smirked, "so it's time I flipped the board and ruined the game, no more smiling pretending that it's okay. Mother's the only one who knows how far I can really go; with her I'm never waiting in the wings!"

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