Live, Love, or Die

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Everyone held their positions they were all ready, Ace's shield stood tall protecting Frieda. As Selina and Tessa stared at them with a smirk. This was it, the battle was about to start; it was all or nothing at this point if they won then they wouldn't loose anything; but if they lost too much they'd loose Frieda, she would give herself up and the prophecy would die along with her. They had to give it their all, this battle would effect everything, no pressure or anything, right?

Ogron grabbed Frieda's hand and pulled her both out of her thoughts and backwards as something flew into the barrier or rather someone.

You okay Brandon, Frieda said as she helped him up.

"Yeah I'm okay, but that monster Tessa made it no easy fight," Brandon said, "especially with the girls fighting the two witches all by themselves, we can't loose anyone this early on."

We won't Frieda said, the girls can handle themselves and hold well enough on their own but the more help they have the better, a pain ran through her and she clenched her teeth as she fell to her knees.

Hey monster Riven called out as he hit it with his boomerang, leave my friends alone!

I think you made it madder Timmy said as he saw the monster swing towards Riven, Riven duck! Timmy yelled as he fired his electronic beam from his gun and shot the monster in the back, giving Riven enough time to move out of the way and duck the punch aimed at him.

Thanks Timmy, Riven said now let's wrap this up!

Agreed Eric said me and Riven will finish up with this guy, everyone else go help the girls.

You sure Eric? Sky asked together it's an easy win but you two alone, can you handle it?

He thinks he can Corwin said, so let him, besides the girls need some back up.

You coming Brandon, Nabu asked turning to him.

Yup, see you guys on the flip side Brandon said as he walked out of the barrier.

Go join them Ace, Frieda said I'll be fine they might need your healing powers.

You sure, Ace asked in hesitance, if something happens to you...

She'll be fine Jack said I'm sure she can handle herself, but if it makes you feel better I'll stay back with these guys, I can't face Selina yet.

Thanks man Ace said, you sure you're okay with this Frieda?

Yes Frieda said, now go!

Ace ran to join the other specialist as Tessa created another stronger monster towards Eric, Riven, Jack, and Frieda which also acted as a barrier between those four and the rest of the group. The new monster headed towards Frieda, as the original on cornered the boys.

Frieda, Eric asked in panic unable to see her as the monster blocked their path and view, be careful!

Don't worry I will be Frieda said smirking as she held her sword ready to attack, careful is my middle name!

For some reason Ogron said quietly from behind her, I don't think they believed you.

Would you Frieda said smirking at where she knew he stood, as the monster began to tear down the barrier. Don't doubt me brother, I'll be fine. I have to be she thought to herself, if I loose, then everyone will fall slowly after, everything is depending on me now, I have to be fine, I have to have the strength to fight, and I have to believe I'll be able to come out victorious, I have to trust myself.

Frieda breathed in and then out, I can do this. Her eyes snapped open as the barrier crashed and the purple diamond golem was heading straight towards her, she lifted her sword and attacked the monster. The blade hit the monster's arm and cracked her sword. A gasp left her as she now held her broken sword, it wasn't going to be able to help her now, she had to use her powers; despite her weakness in energy.

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