Rewind, Retell, Rewrite

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Silence filled the room, no one spoke for a minute, as the colors darkened and the remaining traces of the girl they knew slowly disappeared. After the six strikes you have two additional hours before everything remains permanent forever. After that they would no longer be able to use the Timeix power to bring back the world they knew, by then they would forget it completely anyways.

The group recomposed themselves as Flora quietly spoke up, "What do we do now?"

"The only thing we can do," Icy said as calmly as she could "we go again."

The group of nine stood as Icy sparked her magic as they disappeared back into the past. They quietly walked through the halls, they had no plan, their convergence failed. They remembered Frieda's word's her understanding that destroying the barrier wasn't what they needed to change. They just had to push the storyline forward faster. It couldn't be that hard... right?

"So," Aisha said looking around cluelessly "does anyone have an actually plan now that we're here?"

"Well," Tecna said "we can try just forcing Frieda to move before the spell."

"It's worth a shot," Musa said "it's not like we have any other plan."

"What if we make a sound to startle her," Stella said "like what the archer does but earlier enough that she'll miss your spell."

"What do we have to loose at this point," Darcy said "it's all or nothing."

The group stood in the shadows and waited for Frieda to walk into the hallway before breaking a glass that sat nearby. The loud crash made the young Frieda jump.

"Whose there," Frieda called out as she tightened her fist getting ready to attack "show yourself!"

Silence... and then Stormy tripped and fell into the wall, it wasn't much, but it was enough to hide the initial sound of the archer.

"I said, whose there," Frieda said louder "come on out, show yourself you coward!"

The archer aimed his bow and released aiming for the heart. "Goodbye princess."

The arrow flew through the air and plunged into Frieda's chest, piercing through her heart; the girl slumped to the ground as blood filled the floor and she died quickly.

The group watch in horror, as Icy pulled them out and disregarded the changes. Without Frieda they had forgotten the urgency of remembering the archer. They should have paid more attention. Frieda could have been dead because of them.

The entire group slowly recovered from the scene as Stormy looked up in bitterness "that was our last shot. That was our last option. All of us had use our ability and now we have no way to get to the past till tomorrow morning."

"By then everything will be set in stone," Bloom said "it would be too late."

"What do we do now," Stella asked the group looked around hopelessly what could they do they lost their last ticket into the past.

"Why hello there Winx," a cruel voice said as a figure appeared in the room

"Frieda?" Flora asked looking at the girl who entered the room unannounced.

"That's not Frieda," Icy said as she clenched her fist "that's her evil twin."

"Why Trix I should say I'm surprised, but I'm not." Frieda said as she walked around the group "I should have figured out that you freed the other me, but it doesn't matter now does it? You're forced to accept the new world wether you like it or not."

"So I'll make this easier for you all," Frieda said as she stood in front of the group "Winx your fading away with time, I'm surprised you haven't realized it; but not only did my story change, yours did too. And so you'll disappear just as your friend had, a new version of yourself will replace you, and your story will fade from existence."

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