The Reckless Plan

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A cold breeze filled the room as Ms. F opened the windows of her office, Frieda sat in the chair across from her extremely weakened. The headmistress was surprised when Frieda knocked on her door that morning and explained the events of last night. Well at least what she knew, that Winx had been attacked by Tessa and Selina and lost against them and Selina took them as her prisoners.

You mean to tell me Ms. F said, that the Winx along with Lillian have been captured by Selina?

Yes Frieda replied, it's all my fault too, I was too late.

No I won't have any of that Ms. F said, Frieda this in no way is your fault as long as you were with the rainbow gardenia you wouldn't have known they were in trouble; and once you came out you're sisters took the right precautions by keeping you until you were healed. If you had walked onto the battlefield in that state we would have lost you too. Right now we can blame no one but Selina who attacked in the first place; we must save them.

I agree, but as long as they are in Selina's grasp my powers are all over the place, I won't be able to stand against her alone, and I don't want to drag more people into this mission then needed if anyone else get captured by Selina it would be my fault for putting them in dangers way; not to mention that I'd feel their pain too, and if I undergo more pain then this I won't even make it to the battle.

Then what do you suggest Frieda, Ms. F asked we can't simply leave them there?

I know and I'm not going to leave them there Frieda said but the probability of our team winning isn't very high either. I'm thinking we call the specialist along with Ace and Corwin, we'll need Ivy to get us in and out of Diamond Island, but that's it.

I think you should bring the Mystics along Ms. F said, you're going to need fairies on your side Frieda; especially if you can't do anything.

I know that and I know they're our best pick, but I also know that I can't put them on this mission, if we loose them... Selina will ask for more then what she may ask for now.

What do you think she wants Ms. F said, you don't think...

She wants me Frieda said cutting Ms. F off, she wants to finish what she started and if she can bargain for it, Ivy the diamond fairy with the power to leave the prison Selina has created. If we loose too many people I'll give myself up so everyone else can get away.

Putting yourself in the hand of the enemy, Frieda this is no time to be noble or reckless; we have to do what's best.

And in the moment if that's what's best Frieda said, then that's what I'll do.

Frieda you know as well as I do Ms. F said, that if you die there's no coming back this time.

I'm well aware of the risks Frieda said; if I die saving them I won't regret it; besides that's only worse case scenario. Look I don't like this as much as you do, but what other choice do we have, she stood up but fell back down, a burn of pain ran through her and a scream escaped her lips, she clenched her teeth as the pain continued to run through her.

Finally it stopped and Frieda forced her breathing to calm as she shakily got up, I can't loose anyone else to her. I refuse to sit and watch again, unable to do anything. I don't care if me dying is the price, I refuse to let her kill anyone else I care about; I can't loose anymore people. I rather her kill me, then them.

Frieda, please think about what you're saying Ms. F said this is a suicide mission!

Maybe, but I'll be the only one dead in the end; I'm thinking clearly, I see so vividly how she's torturing my friends, how much they're suffering by her hand; I refuse Frieda said, I refuse to sit back and do nothing.

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