A Darkened Sky

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She roamed around in the darkness, in the faint background she heard a repeated ding of the bell. The fifth strike on 12, so close till the end, one more strike till she disappeared and along with it her story...

Her head pounded as her thoughts roamed around her, was this supposed to be a memory trigger? She wasn't sure, what she knew was that she fell into it when the bell rang and no matter what Ace tried he couldn't wake her up.

Frieda sighed as she closed her eyes, and rubbed her forehead, for now there was nothing she could do but wait it out. Eventually she'd return from her mind back into reality, but when was eventually?

"Hello Frieda."

Frieda's eyes shot open at the voice, yet it wasn't a memory that stood in front of her, but it was herself... "I don't understand."

"I figured you wouldn't, you still haven't figured it out yet, have you?" The other Frieda said as she smiled "I'm the you that was created when your past changed. I'm the you that will take over once you fail."

Frieda looked at her other self, she spotted the harshness, the darkness. "So this is what I would have turned into if I chose to be a witch, well at least I know that I definitely made the right decision." Frieda smiled as she joked to herself as she stood up and stared at the older version of herself "what do you want, why did you come into my mind?"

"I want to strike a deal with you," Frieda said "and I'll give you as much time as you want to think about it; I don't mind keeping you in here forever."

"What do you want," Frieda asked "why did you confront me in my mind and not in person?"

"Because this way no one gets hurt, I'm sure you'd want to keep your friends out of harms way, so here's what I'm offering you. You can't fix the past, you won't be able to, you're going to loose." The older Frieda said with an evil glint in her eyes, "So instead of fighting tooth and nail to something that isn't going to happen I want you to give yourself up to me and the Ancestral Witches, and in return when this world you know disintegrates into nothingness I will spare your friends, I will not kill them."

"Whose to say I'm going to fail," Frieda said as her eyes flickered colorful with determination, "this entire deal is based off the hypothetical idea where we are unsuccessful."

The older Frieda stared at her other self trying to hide the anger in her face, she knew it wouldn't be an easy task to get Frieda to back down, but she knew her weaknesses, and she would be successful.

"Yes it is completely hypothetical, there's no denying that, but if it becomes true do you want to be the reason they aren't able to live? Do you care that little for your friends," Frieda said loudly hoping for her words to hit hard, "to risk their lives because you could possibly still have a chance? I'm quite surprised. You're more similar to me then I thought you would be."

"You make the deal here and now and no one will know of it but us, you're friends will remain unharmed by me, I'll also make sure the Ancestral Witches, or Selina don't touch them. You can rest easily knowing you saved them from death, or worse. So what do you say?"

Frieda looked at her hands, she couldn't possibly be considering this... could she? Guarantee that her friends would remain unharmed, that there life would be easy if the new present came to be. Yet there was still a chance, a fighting chance to save this world, to save her story. Was it selfish of her to try to salvage what was left? If she accepted this deal would she be helping her friends, or harming them? The ideal world be if things returned to the way they were, but that wasn't an option unless she attempted to fix the past.

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