The Decision to Love

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I choose to be a fairy! The young thirteen year old Frieda said, as a spark of the dragon flame burned brightly in the darkness that her grandmother's tried so desperately to trap her in.

Ogron stood up and aimed a spell at her, the spell that would change everything, the spell that Lila gave him, a spell that he didn't know the consequences of, only knowing that he was supposedly directing his sister to a better future by doing so.

The spell supposedly killed her, at least that's what many said as the young girl disappeared from the room with no trace on how to find her. No one knew where she went, one moment there and the next gone, was she dead, did her own brother kill her?

Ogron walked out of the room no longer wanting to hear the whispers and rumors; he sat alone in his own room, Frieda's old room still sat across the hall although now there was no smiling, happy, and energetic Frieda there, instead just emptiness and nothingness, as if his sister never existed in the first place.

Are you happy now Ogron said looking to the shadow that entered his room, are you Lila? My sister can be dead for all I know!

She isn't dead Ogron, Lila said I can guarantee that, I can also take you to see her, but only to give her this necklace Lila said revealing the half hearted golden necklace that Ogron held onto per Frieda's request; what neither of them knew was that Frieda got that necklace from Daphne during the battle of Domino.

To give her a stupid necklace? Why Ogron said, what does this have to do with anything, I just lost my sister, and you're telling me that I can go see her only to deliver her this necklace; when she'll never remember me again! Besides even if she did ever remember me she wouldn't understand, she'll hate me thinking that I ruined her life; don't you understand I'll never get my sister back!

She's not gone Ogron! Frieda will return Lila said I prophesied it! When she connects one half with another, it's talking about the necklace! Frieda needs to have it to return; and when she does return, I'm sure she'll understand; you did it to protect her.

That's not the way everyone else sees it, Ogron whispered, but fine he said I'll come along to give her the necklace, on one condition, that you promise that I'll be able to see her again.

I can't promise that, Lila said; Frieda must grow up without the knowledge of magic, or anything of her past life; including you Ogron. When she's brought back she will remember everything, when she connects one half to another; this is the only chance you're going to get Ogron; I'm sorry.

Don't apologize, Ogron said bitterly taking Lila's hand; fine; let's go see my sister. They teleported to a hospital in Brooklyn New York around one in the morning on July 27th.

How exactly do you plan on finding her Ogron asked, this place is huge, just where exactly do you think we're going to find her?

Her name will stay the same Lila said, and unless you know a lot of Frieda's, it shouldn't be that hard.

Hi, Lila said walking up to one of the nurses, we have a gift for the child born with the name Frieda.

The nurse looked at them both skeptically before leading them to the room where a baby girl slept in a crib; the nurse left them and they were surprised to see at their presence her eyes opened, and they shined colorful proving she was the girl they knew before, yet as quickly as the shine came upon her eyes it disappeared returning her eyes to their standard brown.

Frieda, Ogron said quietly as sadness filled through him, he had lost his sister in one night.

A beauty isn't she, a man said standing next to them, she's my first; who are you here for?

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