"what stuff?"

"i don't know he didn't tell me."

"what if he's.. you know.. meeting up with someone?"

"don't say that, i don't need to be worrying because i trust him."

"just taking a guess."

i sighed and immediately started thinking.. what if he really is meeting up with someone, i trust him but there's always doubts in my head because of the past relationships i've been in, "i'm just gonna go to work." i mumbled bluntly, "i'm sure he isn't meeting up with anyone." yasmin said but that didn't make me feel any better, "yeah." i sighed then walked off to the elevator.

while i was alone in the elevator i thought some more, i was really hoping zion wasn't doing anything bad especially meeting up with a girl because i swear if he is then he might as well just break up with me now.

i'm pretty positive he isn't meeting up with a girl but you never know especially since it's already happened to me two times before this although zion isn't like blake or james so hopefully i'm just overthinking, maybe i'll just text him about it.

so i got to my office and sat down in my chair before i pulled out my phone and unlocked it, i stared down at it for a few seconds thinking this through again then i clicked on messages, hopefully he doesn't think i don't trust him because i do but my sense are fucked up.

zion 🦁


yes bubs?

can i know what stuff ur doing?

i cant tell u but u'll know soon i promise

why can't u tell me?

bubs just trust me, i'm not doing anything
u probably think i'm doing but i can't tell u cos i'll
ruin it

so nothing sketchy?

i promise, i love u and i'm just doing something
to show u that a bit more that's the clue

if i guess it can u tell me?

no cos it's a surprise for u and dante

zion!!!! u better not be buying anything

what about dante's birthday gift?

he doesn't need anything

it's small i swear

i hate u but fine 🙄

i love u too bubs, but i need to go

oki i love u

i'll see u at lunch and love u too 😘

okayy 🥰

well that was reassuring so my mind is a bit less confused and i didn't have to worry as much now, i took a deep breath and smiled then got to work because i still had papers to do.

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