Just A Heads Up

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Welcome to my Haikyuu fanfiction that for once, doesn't contain volleyball.

This is set in a world that's split into three: the above, the earth, and the below.

In this universe, humans and non humans live together however, because the non humans take up no more than 5% of the total population, they are discriminated against.

There are researchers who have taken precautions to stop this but although it's now illegal to hurt them because they have rights, bullying have pushed them into hiding.

A non human can transform into a human like appearance after practice. A simple transformation would give a human body but still prominent features of their non human breed. Only those who have practiced for a long time, can change 80% of themselves into human.

After some time, that's number is capable of rising to 95%.

Because of this, non humans are often identified because they couldn't hide a feature properly.

Eg, a mermaid's simple transformation into human would still have gills at her neck and if her hair isn't long enough, they could be seen.

The rest will be explained as the story goes on so I hope you enjoy it!!!

Ships in here are:

(and like the teeny bit of) IwaOi

And I apologize, but Tanaka and the girls are not in this fanfiction because I couldn't figure out how to incorporate them properly. I'm planning to pair everyone up so if I were to add Tanaka, then I would want to add Kyoko because hey, I ship. But if Kyoko is there, I'd want to add Yachi and everyone else is taken so.... *cries*

Oh and one final heads up, you will notice everyone being VERY touchy with Hinata and that is because of his specie. Everyone automatically feel safe with him and the effect is even stronger with non humans. This effect doesn't effect demons though because they are just as powerful but in the opposite way. No one wants to be near them.

Right, that's it.

Have fun reading!!!!

Seraphim From The Sky [Completed] |KageHina Where stories live. Discover now