"You sure do have a lot of jokes at the wrong time, Professor Boyd." His name rolled off the tip of my tongue. We haven't spoken or seen each other in years. He grew out his facial hair more and rocked the same low fade.

"I'm not the only one. On a serious note, is she going to be okay?" He nodded towards Jordyn. She stood in one spot looking down. I didn't know if she was okay.

"I hope so. She's too young to have to deal with something like this." My mind raced thinking of ways I could take the guilt and panic off her shoulders. Kain looked at Jordyn then back to me with his jaw clenched.

"Take her home." His tone of voice wasn't asking, he was demanding me. "Like now."

"Okay." I didn't even question it because I knew he had it. He was one of the few people I trusted. He was smart and knew exactly what he was doing.

As I touched Jordyn I could feel her shivering. I took off my jacket and wrapped it around her shoulders. She gripped my hand as we headed towards the door.

"Thank you again, Kain."

"No worries. Just makes sure babygirl alright."

We rode in complete silence. I often caught her looking at me but when I would look at her she would quickly turn away.

My phone buzzed quickly taking my attention off the road for a second. I had several missed calls from Karsyn. I sighed knowing that my promise I made to Lavender is broken.

"I killed someone." Jordyn finally broke the silence. Her voice held some much pain. "I really took a life. How am I going to be okay?"

"It was self-defense. He tried to rape you and you did the only thing you could to get him off."

"But I didn't have to kill him. I should've just let h-"

"Don't you dare finish that sentence. Rape isn't something a person can just get over. You don't think you wouldn't feel that exact pain right now? That shit fucks with your head either way."

Realization twinkled in her eyes. "I-I'm sorry."

"You didn't know, but I don't want your pity. You did what I feel is right. It may not have been the best idea to meet at his house but it's not your fault."

"My parents are going to hate me." She mumbled wiping the few tears that ran down her face. As I pulled into Karsyn's driveway, I quickly shut off my car.

"It's something big to have on your shoulders. I can get you any help you need. You wanna tell your parents, then they will have to understand the situation. I don't think they would've wanted their daughter to go through something traumatic."

"They're like my bestfriends. I have to tell them, even if it means they'll look at me differently."

"I can't promise that everything will be fine but I can always try. Whatever you want to do I'm here for you. If I need to fight someone you know I will."

She sniffed letting out a small chuckle. "Thank you so much."

"Stay here, I'll be back." I approached Karsyn's door, knocking lightly. After several seconds he snatched the door open.

In Her Skin. حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن