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       Our first meet

When I was running and chasing my enemy in my college I didn't see her coming in my way. I was too focused on chasing him

Jay: I crashed upon someone and I was shouting without seeing the person. But that person took my pride away from me.

Jani: Don't you have eyes damn it. Can't you see where you going haa?

Jay: but still o don't want to leave my pride. So I was little spoke too much where I should have got A punch by my super women.
Yes she tried to punch me like who the hell are you to talk or disrespect me when your in fault. That how her expression was.
Jay: But you know what never mind whats your name cutie ?
if other girls they will melt by my charm but she is definitely a difficult one .  She said something I never thought
Jani: Fuck off get lost shit head.

All around us was like who is she how bold that's what I liked in her.

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