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Robin Malia White

"Trell?" I looked around for him.

He was always doing this dumb shit, it's like he be playing hide and go seek or something.

I went around the living room and and then made it to the stairs "Kentrell!? Come on now, aint nobody in the mood for that today." I stood at the bottom of the stairs.

*sis, take it from me...Kentrell don't care what you in the mood for?*

"And who the fuck are you?" I asked aloud.

*oh, I didn't introduce myself? I'm Lit' Jay, sus. And I know EVERYTHING*

"Okay, but why are you talking?"

*Because I give advice to all of you hopeless hoes of Kentrell. It's just what I do.*

"I'on need nunna dat. Get the fuck wit allat, I'an no hoe" I roll my neck.

This voice got me fucked up.

*no,no,no. You got ME fucked up!*

"Don't be yelling at Jay fore I knock you out!" Kentrell finally came down the stairs.

I glared at him "It's never that serious."

He stops in front of me. "Its ALWAYS that serious." He steps aside me coming down.

"Whea my son?" Kentrell asked me looking around he living room.

"He's with his grandma." I walked over to him on the couch and straddled his lap.

"He always ova thea'. I'on never even get to see Kenyan." He pouted.

I kissed his lips and smiled "He'll be back tomorrow."

"Good" he said after we pulled away for the kiss.

I got off of his lap and stay next to him and then he spoke "You excited fo the wedding?"

I smiled "I'm bout to be Mrs. Gaulden, you think I'm not excited?" I chuckled.

"I'on know what to think" He said dryly.

I frowned "What you mean by that?"

"I know we been together for a minute but I still be hearing whispers and I just...I gotta know that you ain't out here snaking me"

"Why not ask me something like that before you propose to me?" I asked him.

I don't understand where none of this is coming from...

"I'onno, I'm just thinking. I need you to be honest with me though." He looked at me causing me. to furrow my eyebrows.

"Okay?" I asked him with a confused expression.

"You being honest?"

I sighed and nodded "Yes baby, I'm being honest."

"You sure you not hiding nothing?" He asked again.

I rolled my eyes and plastered a fake smile on my face. "Yes."

"Good" He smiled while leaning over and pecking me on my lips.

{O M N I S C I E N T}
{I N T E R L U D E}

Rori sighed looking at the tombstone. "Why'd you have to leave me?"

She looked down and shed a tear "I love you, Rodrick."

She chuckled while wiping the tear "Next time I come in gonna bring Raleigh with me. She looks a lil like you. And y'all act alike."

"She went to go spend time with her sister, they get along good honestly. Your baby mama told me to tell you hi, and she hopes your testing well. I hope the same thing"

"I know everything happens for a reason, I'm just having trouble understanding it. I don't see what reason there would be for me losing the love of my life, the father of my child. She never even got to meet you."

Rori smiled "Beleive me when I say this though" She looked at the head stone "Your memory is most definitely gonna live on. And I'ma make sure she know who you are. I know you would be loved her more than anything"

Rori looked at the headstone again and then nodded "I gotta go, aight. I'ma come back soon."

Rori got up leaving.

She would be back and next time would be with her daughter.

She couldn't really understand if it was a good idea or not to bring the little baby with her but she was willing to take the risk.

Anything to make sure the memory of him would live on.

Wouldn't you do the same?

{B A C K  T O  R O B I N}

I sighed a breath of relief while looking around after Kentrell left.

It was weird that all of a sudden, he was asking all of these strange questions.

Almost as if someone had told him something.

It's not as if I have something to worry about, I haven't done anything.

Especially not anything he would find out about...

There was a knock on the door in that moment and I got up answering it without thinking.


I was cut off by having something thrown in my face and then punches thrown to me causing me to tell on the ground.

Before I could even look up to defend myself, the person wasn't there anymore leaving me on the floor in pain trying to gain some sort of balance.

What the hell just happened?

unedited 💛✨
When I show "Robin" face I'on want nobody telling me who it is...I used that girl for a reason...just know.

anybody know who attacked Robin💀?

I got a new book under my sleeves...it's called SEDULOUS.
I'ma publish it when I get to 10 chapters so I have a head start.
Go fw my book INEFFABLE💖

-Lit' Jay✨

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