•🐍2/2:physical abuse🐍•

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...Comes physical abuse.


"NeNe. Come yo ass on" Kentrell said to Jania as they were getting ready to leave.

"I'm coming!"

Kentrell smacked his teeth. NeNe knew how important it was they were in time and yet, she still found a way to make them late.

Kentrell probably seemed like a horrible person at this point,but you have to understand.Kentrell really does love Jania.

He's just terrible at showing it. But after he hurt Jania he always apologized. He always tried to make things better. Because he loved Jania.

Kentrell...if you love her than can you stop treating her like trash?! You sicken me with your bipolar ness.

"Okay. I'm ready Kentrell" Jania said coming down the stairs with her suitcase in her hand.

"Took you long enough." He said to her while rolling his eyes.
Jania just looked down and got ready to walk out of the door.


Soon enough they made it to the airport and they were then at the hotel.

They had settled in and left the hotel to go get something to eat. Then they headed back to the hotel.

Now you might be wondering why so much time has been skipped? Because these few moments between Jania and Kentrell were pleasant ones.

They were just as lovey as De'arra and Ken during these moments. They got along great and were actually making progress.

There is no point in me describing these moments because we see the beautiful moments depicted all on the time.

On TV, and on YouTube.

It's rare that we see these in our regular daily lives. At least it is for me. Maybe you have two loving parents who are still together?

Well, for most today, sadly that isn't the case. Because for some of us, in order to see "real love" we have to turn on the TV. Or open our Laptop. We can't just look around and see love all around us inside of our house.

This story is written to give the facts of the real world and what "love" has in store for us unfortunate souls.

Which is why I'm not depicting those moments. Because they were very short lived.

Once Kentrell and Jania made it back to the hotel, something happened.

Think about this:

Jania and Kentrell are walking towards the elevators and suddenly Jania decided that she wants to play with Kentrell.

Now here goes that temper we were talking about. She had forgotten about his reputation during the time that they had been together, because as I said.

She no longer views him as a famous person but as a regular person. She doesn't pay attention to the rumors anymore.

The rumors about his temper, however? She should've played good attention to those and she wouldn't have made this midtake.

She turned to Kentrell and started saying "I bet you can't pull me!" And began to hit him "playfully"

Or...so she thought it was playful. Because before she knew it she was being brutally beat by Kentrell.

And she was crying and blamed it on herself. Now while earlier I said it was her fault, I didn't mean it that way.

What I meant was while she wasn't responsible for this...let's evaluate what we learned in previous chapters.

Kentrell had already been very hurtful and didn't care very much about her feelings.

He did care deep down inside, but us? Let's pretend for a minute that we can't read everyone's thoughts. Let's pretend that we didn't hear that he cared so much for Jania.

Did his actions show it? No. From the outside looking in, without all of the facts, Kentrell was very cold towards Jania.

I've said that to say this. If you really look at his past behavior...it was only a matter of time before he began to physically abuse her.

Everyone knows that the cold behavior that Kentrell have Jania was mental abuse.

And everyone also knows that mental abuse, leads to physical abuse.
What y'all think I'm this chapters set up? I'm low-key thinking about making a book  called Diamond'z Philosophies. If y'all like the set up of this book then lmk, I might do some other books in the same way.
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