•🐍intro: problems🐍•

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-Kentrell and Jania had been great together.
Keyword is had. Because, you see once Kentrell knew that he really had Jania, he started to change. And not in a good way.

-Jania had always heard about his temper, and about his bad rep being that he was always in the media. But, she'd be lying to say that she wasn't happy about him being NBA Youngboy, and that it didn't  partially influence her decision in talking to him at first.

Can you honestly blame her? Who's not going to be flattered by a famous rapper taking an interest in you?

-Of course, you know being starstruck wares off. Because once you've spent time with a person, and really, gotten to know them you know longer see them as a big famous star. You see them as what they are: a regular person, just like everyone else. With a little more money.

-Just like everyone else, super stars lie. Just like regular immature boys sometimes do, they cheat. And just like how sometimes bad boys get angry and they "accidentally" hit their girlfriends?
Famous boys do that too.

-Remember though, believe it or not, sometimes these are just accidents. Sometimes you meet a good person who really and truly is sorry for their actions and they never do it again. Some people can change

-It's rare but it happens.

-This doesn't mean that you should just quickly hop back into a relationship with a person who has wronged you in such a way. Not without carefully evaluating the situation. This is a hint at one of Jania's problems, but we'll talk about that later...

-This also doesn't change the fact that people while can be truly sorry about physically abusing you, they can still be dumbasses.
In fact most of the time, they still are.  And they can talk crazy about the people that they so called care about.

-And love can make you do crazy things, such as lie and make you that say you have herpes just back up the person you love.

-Because just like regular people, Famous people can fall in love. And some people can fall in love with famous people. And not just that little love that most girls have for Chris Brown.

-Sometimes, they can have the love for a famous person that Gina had for Martin.

-The reason why I'm bringing up all of these wild scenarios?
Because they all REALLY happened to Jania and Kentrell.

-Jania had been hit by Kentrell, Cheated on by Kentrell, Slandered by Kentrell, and mentally abused by Kentrell.

-All of this makes him a terrible person, doesn't it?

-No, because Kentrell's problem is simple...He doesn't know how to love.

-But who really does? It's something that we always hear about but we all love in our own ways. And some of us? Well we just don't really know how to...

-Poor old Kentrell is among those of us who doesn't know how to. Because sometimes famous people have that issue as well.

-But, here's another one of Kentrell's problems: He still loves Jania.

-But he knows that after all he did to her, he won't be able to get her back. He's seen her moving on.

-He doesn't want to mess up her happiness.

-But he really has to have her.

-We've heard about Kentrell's problems but now let's hear about Jania's

-Jania, is still in love with Kentrell too. But that's our little secret, okay?

-Even though he put her through hell, you know what they say about love. Love is Foolish.

-It's everlasting, no matter what.

-Now don't ask me if I believe that. The jury is still out on that one. On one hand, some say it you REALLY love someone, the love never truly goes away. It will always linger in some sort. You will always have a special connection with that person. Like I said, the jury is still out on that one.

-But evaluating Kentrell and Jania may partially give me my answer. Because Jania's love for Kentrell seems to be everlasting.
And vice versa.

-But as strong as her love is for him, so is her fear that he might just hurt her all over again. She doesn't want to be hurt. Not never again...

-What you should realize from all of this is that Kentrell and Jania have the same problem.

-Fear of Rejection.
-Fear of love that can't be explained.
-Fear of being hurt.
-Fear of Eachother

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