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2 weeks later...
Still January 2020

|Los Angeles, California 📍|

"Kacey!" Kentrell chased Kacey around his house and Jania sat watching and laughing.

"Na...Na!" Kacey babbled running around the house.

"C'mere you lil midget." Kentrell said and finally caught Kacey.

He ran into the living room with him in his arms, and Kacey was laying his head on Kentrells back.

Soon enough Kacey's light snores filled the room and Kentrell sighed.

"Soon as I sit down He decide to go to sleep." He shook his head about to stand up by Jania stopped him.

"I'll do it." She said and Kentrell nodded

"You could just lay him on my bed."

Jania nodded and took Kacey to the back room, gently laying him down on the bed.

"I love you, Kacey" Jania said, missed his forehead, and walked out of the room sitting down next to Kentrell on the couch.

Jania and Kentrell's say had gone fine. Oddly enough, they hadn't argued which might've been because Kacey was there.

Whatever the cause, they were getting along fine and no drama had occurred...yet, of course.

Kentrell still hadn't said what he wanted to say to Jania just yet though.

What was he waiting for? The timing to be right? For them to be alone?

"Jania, it's sumn else I wanted to talk you bout" Kentrell turned towards Jania and finally was ready to get the burden off of his chest.

He was ready to stop bottling up the secret--well it wasn't exactly a secret.

The blind could see that Kentrell loved Jania and vice-versa.

"What?" Jania asked him curiously.

She wasn't entirely oblivious to what he was about to say. After all...She felt the same way.

But if you'd gone through all that she had, wouldn't you be a bit hesitant to open up to Kentrell?

Not to mention the fact that Kentrell wasn't truly available either. It didn't how much he said he didn't care about those hoes he was with...He was still WITH them.

He had yet to let Yaya go and he knew he didn't truly care as much as he said he did.

For somebody who rap about loyalty and love so much he ain't exactly love material...

I have to agree with Jay on that one. Perhaps it's because he's been hurt so many times?

Regardless of the reason, he still isn't solid with his girls.

The ones who deserve his actual, honest, love and affection don't get it. Iyanna isn't an entirely bad person.

In fact, she was better before she started dealing with Kentrell.

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