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Four hours later : 2:34 pm
|Houston, Texas📍|

"He had me looking stupid. Can't believe I fell for that bull shit again" Jania said to Rori.

I can't believe it either, can you?

"It's not your fault Nene." Rori tried to comfort her.

"I don't need comforting, I'm not feeling no type of way like that, but it's just the fact that I thought this time would be different and it's not. It's always the same thing." Jania said.

That's true, so far we can see that Kentrell always does the same thing, does he ever truly change?

"That boy ain't shit. It's okay"Rori smiled causing Jania to laugh

"It don't take a genius to realize that." Jania sighed "I just feel bad for having Kacey be involved in our mess. He should've been able to stay where he was."

Rori shook her head "Kentrell needs to get it together, period."

Jania still felt bad about the matter. After all, why should Kacey be involved in their bullshit.

Regardless of their issues, that was still his father and he still deserved that right to see his dad.

No matter what excuse she gave, she would never be able to really forgive herself if she didn't allow Kacey to see Kentrell.

Why the hell not? He need to get it together like Rori said! Supervised visits until he stops being a hoe!

Jay, their issues have nothing to do with the child!

Boys take after they daddies! If he sees his daddy do it without being any kind of punished for it, he's going to pick up the same traits!

Jay, that is not the point!

Ion give a fuck! Do y'all think Kentrell should be allowed to see Kacey alone?

Don't get them involved! I'm sorry Readers, carry on about your day and continue reading and commenting.

Diamondz, you fake. PERIODT! You gonna get transferred to the Lil Baby story if you don't get it together!

Jania was concerned that she had made a bad decision, and not just about Kacey 's visitation with Kentrell either.

She was concerned if she'd been wrong to assume that Kentrell deliberately did what he did with Iyanna.

Honestly, Jania knew Kentrell almost better than anyone.

She knew the look of surprise in his face when Iyanna popped up was genuine.

She's been cheated on enough times by Kentrell to know the difference between a fake surprise and a real one.

Jania still was not fully healed from what happened the first time with Kentrell.

She couldn't help but remember crying because he played the victim, and she would never say so out loud but she had nightmares sometimes about being slammed to the ground by Kentrell.

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