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Hey guys!
Sorry it's been a while since I last updated. I hope everyone had a very Merry Christmas and a great New Year! This story is about Nine regenerating, so here it goes! Love you guys!
xoxo -


He picked up her body, and smiled. Rose Tyler defender of the earth. The Doctor felt the Time Vortex coursing through his veins. He was dying.

The Doctor laid her down on the floor of the TARDIS. He leaned against the console, how could he explain to her that he was going to change. That the man she trusted wasn't going to be same man.

She wouldn't even remember the kiss. It was stupid of him, he knew, to wish she did. Because if she did, then she would die. But that childish part of him who still got giddy when she looked at him, wished for it. The Doctor wished he could kiss Rose Tyler.

Maybe he would. But not with this face. He loved her, he was sure of it.

In the blackness he felt after the Time War, she was the light. At first it was small but as he watched Rose show her bravery, her love for everything, the light seemed to have exploded. Banishing the dark to the deepest parts of him.

It didn't mean the darkness didn't come, because it did. But it was like Rose was the lighthouse when he was lost at sea.

Rose stirred on the floor. "What happened?"

The Doctor stated plainly, "Don't you remember?" He felt like he was standing on pins and needles waiting for what she would say.

"It's like... there was singing..."

"Right. I sang a song and the Daleks ran away." He wished it had been that easy.

"I was at home, no I wasn't. I was in the TARDIS, and..." She struggled for words.

The Doctor felt a sudden burst of heat in his veins. His hand glowed unnaturally for a moment. How long did he have?

"I can't remember anything else.."

He was going to take her everywhere. All of time and space the two of them. It still would be him, but not him.

"Rose Tyler. I was gonna take you to so many places. Barcelona - not the city Barcelona, the planet. You'd love it. Fantastic place - they've got dogs with no noses." The Doctor laughed at his own joke.

So little time.

"Imagine how many times a day you end up telling that joke, and it's still funny!" Rose smiled vaguely, still confused.

"Then, why can't we go?"

Tell her.

The Doctor frowned, " Maybe you will. Maybe I will. But not like this."

"You're not making sense!" Rose stood up, her face read confusion and slight panic.

I'm sorry.

"I might never make sense again! I might have two heads or no head. Imagine that, me with no head! And don't say that's an improvement!"

Rose smiled again, if the Doctor could do anything, it was make Rose Tyler smile.

"But it's a bit dodgy, this process. You never know what you're gonna end up with--"

Pain rushed all over, I'm out of time. He tried not to cry out but it was like a small explosion in his stomach.

"Doctor!" Rose screamed.

"Stay away!"

Protect her.

He wouldn't let her get hurt. The Doctor's head felt like it was splitting open, he winced.

"Doctor. Tell me what's going on." Rose said worriedly.

"I absorbed all the energy of the Time Vortex, and no one's meant to do that!" The Doctor forced a smile keeping his voice light. "Every cell in my body's dying."

"Can't you do something?"

Time. Time. Time.

"I'm doing it now! Time Lords have this little trick, it's... sort of a way of cheating death. Except... " he looked right into her eyes," It means I'm going to change. And I'm not gonna see you again. Not like this. Not with this daft old face."

The Doctor forced a little laugh. Would she even want to stay with him? Would Rose hate him? How will she trust him?

Tell her.

"Before I go-"

"Don't say that!" She cried.

"Rose. Before I go, I just wanna tell you, you were fantastic. Absolutely fantastic." He smiled, The Doctor felt so proud in that moment.

How long has it been since he grabbed her hand and told her run. She had changed him, Rose had made him better.

"And d'you know what? So was I."

His smiled at her, and Rose smiled back.

Maybe, just maybe, he could be someone for Rose. Maybe he could be young and handsome someone Rose could fall for. Someone who she could trust like she trusted him. Maybe he could be someone for Rose to love, and so he could love her.

Pain covered him like a fire, everything began to changed. He could feel the changing in his teeth, the hair growing.

Then it stopped.


The Doctor's Rose: a TenRose FanfictionΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα