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hi guys,
umm so I haven't had inspiration so I really need you all to comment so ideas! but for now, here a sad Rose Tyler story after doomsday, no fluff just feels! but PLEASE comment ideas!! Thanks!


Rose Tyler still stood starring at the sand, tears streaming down her face. The salty wind whipped across her face teasing her hair around her. Nothing was there. He wasn't coming back.

The Doctor had disappeared, ebbed into nothing. She could still hear his voice,' I'm burning up a sun to say goodbye.' He was going to tell me he loved me, Rose thought. And I'll never see him again.

The waves crashed around her. Badwolf Bay, how ironic. She thought. After all that they had been through, fighting Daleks, Cyberman even the skin of the last 'pure' human Rose and the Doctor were separated in different dimensions. It was almost laughable.

Less than a month ago the pair had been traveling through all time and space. Rose knew she should be thankful that she was alive, she had almost been sucked into hell after all. But right now, she would be welcome to anything just so she could see the Doctor.

"Rose?" Jackie Tyler asked. Coming over and putting her arm on her daughter's shoulder. Overcome with emotion, Rose threw her arms around Jackie and began to sob. Jackie stroked her daughter's blonde hair. "Shh, it's going to be okay."

Mickey, who was standing over by the car with his hands in his pockets, started to make his way over to them.

But Rose didn't want him, or anyone, at least no one that was here. Her life changed the second she met the Doctor. Rose had only been a kid, nineteen years old. Her life was going nowhere, and fast. When the Doctor showed up and saved her it was like he had opened a door to a whole new life. That had been years ago, how was she suppose to go back to normal now?

"What am I suppose to do mum?" She cried. "I don't know what I'm going to do without him."

For once, Jackie Tyler had nothing to say. She could only stand hugging her."You know what they say, 'If you love something set it free. If it comes back, it's yours. If not it wasn't meant to be.'" Jackie smiled a small smile to reassure her daughter.

"I'm going to find a way back to him," Rose said determined. "If that's one thing I can do its try and I'll keep trying until I have nothing left to try for."

Mickey smiled. "I'll help you Rose." He clapped her on the back then headed to the car. They had been there hours, it was time to go back home, before Jackie got sick.

Rose took a final look at the beach, even though there was an overwhelming sadness, there was also a sense of hope.

With a small smile she whispered, "I'll never give up."

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