Giving You Away

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Okay so @SierraFaith3 requested one where Ten gave away Rose to Tentoo. So I've reworked a little where it is Eleven, so Rose will not recognize him. Because I feel that if Rose saw The Doctor at her wedding it just wouldn't be good, possibly second thought about the wedding itself. Also I feel like this is a way for him to move on, in the only way he can. I ship Yowzah like a lot, so I feel like this again is a way to move on and love again but trust me still lots of feels and hope you enjoy it! xoxo - Lexie


The Doctor stood in front of the mirror, adjusting his beloved bow tie with a sigh. There was a happiness yet a sadness in his hearts he couldn't understand. How could be happy yet sad? After 1,000 years, he figured he would have a better understanding of emotions, especially his own. But this was all still foreign to him.

After so long, that little crack, that tiny little tear in the universe had opened to the one place he wanted to be, but where he couldn't be. It opened up over her wedding, of all the times, her wedding.

But he wasn't going to miss it for the world.

The Doctor hadn't dressed this nice in- well- he couldn't remember when. He landed a couple blocks away, not wanting to disrupt anything. Pete's World was exactly the same as the normal world except Rose Tyler lived here. Well, she wouldn't exactly be Rose Tyler for long.

Upon arriving at the church, he heard Jackie Tyler yelling. "Tony! Stop your running. You better not run when your carrying those rings down the isle!" A blonde haired boy, pouted and shrieked away from his mother. "Pete, control your son!" Jackie cried. The Doctor smirked, she hadn't changed a bit.

"He's only my son when he's your problem," he joked picking up Tony and throwing him over his shoulder.

The Doctor strolled passed them into the church. It wasn't too crowded, an assortment of people he had never met before everyone wearing their best.

The Doctor sat in the middle, not wanting to draw any attention to himself. At the front the front of the church, he stood.

He knew him well, for years he had looked into the mirror and that was the man he had seen, except this man got older and had one heart and was marrying Rose Tyler. And this man would be spending the rest of his life with her.

John Smith had grown a little scruff, but hadn't changed his hair that was still puffed up a little. He wore a suit and tie that actually suited him really well. He beamed, he seemed so happy, so genuinely happy. You could tell by the way he stood, that this was the best day if his life.

And that made the Doctor smile.

An elder woman sat next to him chattering away to another woman. "May I see that?" he asked. She passed him the paper to him without a word, engulfed in her own conversation.

The Wedding of
John Smith and Rose Tyler
January 4, 2012
may our love span over
all time and space

On top it had a picture if Rose and John smiling adoringly at each other.

Music started up abruptly and everyone stood. A little girl waltzed down the isle throwing rose petals behind her.

How fitting, he smiled.

Followed by a rowdy Tony Tyler who was holding his mother's hand. A finally the bride.

Rose Tyler looked stunning. She took his breath away. Her hair hung in curls that trailed down her gorgeous dress. Head to toe, she looked amazing.

She didn't even look his way, her eyes trained on her fiancé. While John Smith smiled adoringly at his future wife.

The ceremony preceded on and finally after John's vows, it was Rose's turn.

"I, Rose Tyler, take you, John Smith,"

Rose Tyler, I will always love you. The Doctor thought along to her vows.

"To be my lawfully wedded husband."

I'm sorry I lost you.

"To have and to hold from this day forward,"

Never will I ever meet anyone like you,

"For better,"

With your laugh,

"Or worse,"

With your heart.

"In sickness and health."

But I'm glad you have him.

"To love,"

And I know you will be happy,

"And to cherish,"

and safe.

"Until death,"


"Do us part,"

So I'm giving you away. Like a father gives his daughter away.


I want you to know that I want this for you.

"Is my solemn vow."

I will always love you. I promise.

I'm giving him our days.

The days we won't have.

I'm giving him our days.

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