Waking up.

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*Okay guys! Prepare your tissues cause I was in tears writing this!*

Inspiration just hit me like lightning so I had to share.

Hope everyone had a fantastic Easter!


ps- if your a Harry Potter fan check out my new Snily fanfic! -> http://w.tt/1NVoCSH

Running, that's all we ever do. Our feet slap the pavement in unison.

We're running for our life- as usual.

'We have to get back to the TARDIS,' he says. Something drops in my stomach, an ache, like someone snapped something.

'You're not going to leave me, are you?' It comes out as a whimper a small squeak.

Suddenly were not running, nothing's coming for us, and it's just us standing there staring at each other from across the room.

His face changed into his first face the one I fell in love with first. 'I could save the world but lose you.'

'I said I'd protect her.' He looking somewhere else not quite at me. 'She was only here because of me, ... she was nineteen years old.' Then his face changed again.

I could hear my voice now but I wasn't saying anything. 'You just leave us behind! Is that what your going to do to me?'

'No, not to you.'

Words swirled around me, choking me, strangling me. I couldn't stand any more. 'I made my decision a long time ago and I'm never going to leave you!'

'I don't age. I regenerate. But humans decay. You wither and you die. Imagine watching that happen to someone you... You can spend the rest of your life with me. But I can't spend the rest of mine with you. I have to live on, alone. That's the curse of the Timelords.'

'I'm burning up a sun to say goodbye.

'Does it need to be said?

'If it's my last chance to say it, Rose, Rose, Rose!'


"Rose!" I woke up panting I couldn't breathe. My heart ached and the pain was horrendous.

He was there. The Doctor, the man of my dreams, the man I loved. But it wasn't him, it wasn't the same him. He was just a copy, a duplicate. How could I love him?

He pulled me into his arms, rocking me as I calmed down. All day I pretend to be strong, I smile and don't show what I feel, but then at night I have no defense.

My mind is my own worst enemy.

"Are you okay?" He asks, his voice just above a whisper. I'm surprised he even came in here. Last night I screamed at him, that he wasn't the Doctor, about how could I love him. That I was fine.

I'm a terrible liar.

I nodded.

"Okay," he said turning to leave.

"Wait!" I called. I blushed and looked down. "Stay, please." I said meeting his eyes.

The Doctor stood there for a moment like he couldn't decide but then he came and slipped into the bed next to me, pulling me close to him.

"I'm sorry," I whispered.

"What was your dream about?" I didn't answer, he knew what the dream was about it was always the same one. The Doctor's eyes softened, "Please?"

So I did. I rehashed the nightmare to him. I cried and I let it out. I cried until I couldn't anymore.

"I'm him you know," he whispered. "I burned up the sun to say goodbye. I remember the tears I cried when I didn't get to finish that sentence. I was the last of the Timelords, and I could never spend my life with you."

"But now I can. You can spend the rest of your life with me, and I will spend the rest of my life with you. I won't ever be alone again, and I know what needs to be said."

"Rose Tyler, I love you."

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