Another Life

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suggested by ButterflyerX


Rose shoved the Doctor's arm playfully as he teased her, "This is my natural hair color!" Rose pulled on the ends of her hair to prove her point.

The Doctor rolled his eyes," I'm just saying your hair is a little too perfectly blonde for it not to be colored."

They had been arguing all morning after he had accused Rose's hair of being a different color than the night before. He was absolutely positive that it was different.

"I mean don't get it wrong, I like it-" he started running his hand through his hair before Rose interrupted him.

"At least I was born with this perfect hair color," Rose smirked using air quotes around perfect. "I didn't have to regenerate a million times and still not end up with my desired hair color!"

Mentally, the Doctor cursed the day he told her that he truly wanted to be ginger. He opened his mouth, then closed it again when he realized that he had been defeated.

Rose smirked, also realizing she'd won, then crossed over to the other side of the TARDIS. "Nothing to say about that, Doctor?" He was torn between actually jumping up and tackling her and tickling her until she begged for mercy (The Doctor had used this tactic many times before) or just letting it drop. While the latter was less enticing, he chose it anyways.

"That's what I thought, Timelords have nothing on us pink and yellow humans," she smiled.

The Doctor ducked his head, hiding his smile. "I'm not doing to say anything else."

"Why not? You're not going to tell me that Timelords are supreme from birth and their lives are perfect?" Rose joked. He knew she was joking but something panged in his hearts.

"No," he said, a dark shadow crossing his face. "I wasn't going to say that."

The Doctor ducked his, and Rose walked over to him noticing his sudden sadness. "Doctor?"
She asked timidly putting a hand on his back. He didn't say anything. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to be cruel."

"No," the Doctor said something exasperated. "You were it just reminded me of something I don't like to think about."

She said down next to him and held his hand. "You can tell me," Rose whispered.

A mini war waged inside of the Doctor. Telling her or not to tell her, his life had never been a piece of cake. Everything hadn't been as easy as he made it appear. Things happen, and you just learn to move one. 

"I wasn't always a Timelord," the Doctor said gruffly. "You aren't born a Timelord is something that you achieve. It's kinda like going to a university to get your PhD."

Rose nodded, not understand how this linked to what they had been talking about. 

"Children in Gallifrey are not treated as well, they used to not be at least. Timelords they like power and children were never apart of that plan." He looked up at Rose. She hung onto every word, sadness lingering in her eyes. 

"You know what it's not worth talking about," The Doctor said standing up rubbing his hands on his legs. His childhood had been something he had long tried to forget. Long nights listening to people call him a coward, people who were suppose to care for him treating him like garbage. They told him he would never be good enough, and for a long time he believed it.

"Don't brush it off," Rose said lightly touching his arm. "You can tell me."

"Rose," the Doctor started. "You wouldn't understand." Immediately he regretted his words.

"You don't think I understand? You think your childhood was terrible?" Rose said angrily. "I'm sure you've had problems, but hasn't everyone? I grew without a father, I never even graduated school! This," she gestured around her to the TARDIS. "All of this, this yours. You have something. I have nothing. But don't think for a second that I don't understand anything." 

She sat down, her anger subsiding. They were both people who had been screwed in the past and didn't intent to be screwed again. And neither of them noticed how bad they would hurt each other in the future.

The Doctor sat down next her, "I'm sorry," he whispered. "I didn't mean it like that."

"I know and I didn't mean to badger you either," Rose said with a sigh.

They sat there in a long silence. "I doesn't matter," the Doctor whispered after a long silence. Rose looked up, confused. He took her hand and gave it a tight squeeze. "None of that matters anymore."

Rose seemed to know what he was going to say, a small smile working its way onto her face.

"I've got you, and you got me. Our future is more important than any past."


it's super cheesy but who doesn't love some cheesy stuff every once in a while!

xxx- lexie

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