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The Doctor leaned up against the TARDIS, staring at the ground. He knew that if he closed his eyes he would see what he feared most, what plagued him every moment of every day. The flames of Gallifrey, the people, the children...

The Doctor felt like a child, afraid of the dark, not daring to close his eyes.

He wasn't afraid of the dark, he was the dark. He picked up a tool and threw it across the hall, some doctor he was. He had chose that name because he wanted to help people but all he did was destroy them.

The Doctor threw another tool, and another, he was throwing everything he could find, until there was nothing left. He sat down and put his head in his hands.

Grief, guilt, shame, sadness, anger, it all consumed him. The Doctor felt like he couldn't possibly breathe, he didn't even need to anyways.

"Are you okay?" The Doctor opened his eyes, Rose stood in front of him. Her eyes were red and her hair wasn't properly messed up, the Doctor assumed she hadn't been sleeping.

"I'm fine," he said without hesitation. "I just couldn't find my favorite pen, I don't know where it's gone."

"Doctor?" She peered at him with her big brown eyes, he turned away. "Are you sure?"

"I'm fine-"

"I know you're not-"

"I fine, and I certainly don't need help from a human!" He bellowed with a sarcastic laugh. She flinched, but the Doctor didn't care. "You have no idea how to help me, you barely know me!"

"You could tell me, and if I knew I could try.. I know I couldn't-" Rose stammered.

"I killed all the other TimeLords!" He started laughing again. "I had to do it to save all the other civilizations, to save all other life forms, to save all the stupid humans, and until you've had to watch you're entire planet die, then you can shut up!"

"I did watch my entire planet die, you took me there, remember?" Rose put her hands on her hips. "You have no right to talk to me like that!"

"I couldn't possibly ask you to understand me, you're just human after all." The Doctor said, straightening the console back together.

"Because I'm human," Rose huffed.

"The last thing I need is a human, with your tiny brain and all."

Rose didn't say anything, the Doctor continued cleaning up his mess. Minutes passed and neither of them said anything, and with every second he regretted what he said. It was just that he fought battles every day, not the ones she saw, but the ones that were waged in his head.

"Take me home," she said at last.

He turned around and looked at her, Rose looked angry and sad and determined all at once.

"What?" The Doctor asked incredulously.

"You don't need me, why should I want to be here if you don't need me. You constantly talk about how stupid humans are and how insignificant we are, that you don't need anyone. So I'll just be getting on then..." She took a deep breath. "Take me home."

He stared at her for a minute, she stared back, tears brimming in her eyes.

"You're right, I don't need you." Rose's breath caught, and she let out almost audible gasp. He took a step towards her. "I've traveled for years by myself, I've traveled my entire life without you. And one day I'll continue traveling without you."

The Doctor's voice was quiet and soft as opposed from his angry and loud voice earlier. He stepped towards her until he was standing right in front of her.

"Rose Tyler, I don't need you, but I want you. I want you to travel with me more than anything else. I want your help even when I say I don't. You make me better, your love and compassion is like no else I've ever seen. You showed compassion and mercy on a Dalek? The most evil creatures in the universe. No, I don't need you," the Doctor whispered as he cupped her face with his hands. "I want you."

Sorry it's so crappy guys but I absolutely love this, I'll probably edit it some more to improve it...

Anyways hope everyone is having a great day!


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