Finding You pt 2

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I smiled, then laughed. I laughed until I cried. I was home, I was in the same dimension. I was here!

But my happiness cut short by the state of their world, my world, his world. It wasn't anything I hadn't already seen but it still took my breath away everytime. The planet all clustered together, worlds closer than ever before. And the Daleks. From far away, they could be mistaken as stars or even a plane, but I knew.

It seemed ridiculous what on earth could a plunger and a whisk do to me, but the were actually some of the most dangerous things in the universe.

I could hear people screaming, so I did the stupidest thing I could. I ran towards it.


Hours passed in chaos, but it only felt like minutes to me. I had tried in vain so far in finding him. How bloody hard was it to find a mad man in a bloody blue box?!

"Dad!" a frightened, yet familiar, voice spoke.

"My vision is not impaired." A Dalek shirked.

I turned the corner looking for the voices.

"I warned you, Dad." The woman said.

"Hostility will not be tolerated.Exterminate. Exterminate. Exter-" I whipped up my gun and blasted the Dalek without hesitation. Sweet satisfaction swept through me.

"Do you want to swap?" Wilf asked. His goofy grin, I had seen him once before in an alternate timeline with Donna.

"You're Donna Noble's family, right?," I smiled, "I'm Rose Tyler, and I need you."

We snuck to their house, where they were kind enough to let me use their computer. I had to find Donna. I had to find the Doctor.

Seeing him on the screen but not being able to touch him, to speak to him was almost unbearable.

"Control, I need another shift. Lock me onto the TARDIS, now." I said. I had to find him. "Right, I'm going to find him. Wish me luck."

I have to.

"Good luck," Sylvia said.

"Good luck, sweetheart," smiled Wilf.

It was the rush of a thousand trains then I was outside. It was dark and there was a slight breeze. I heard voices from around the corner.

And there he was. He wasn't even facing me but I knew it was him. The way he stood, the way his hair stood. His suit.

Was I only meters away from him? My heart was beating so hard I was sure he heard it. My Doctor.

He turned around, I didn't care that the world was ending. I didn't care about anything else, it was my Doctor. Before I knew I was running, running to my Doctor.

It was like we were both stuck in suspended animation. Him running towards me, while I ran towards him. His smile that's all I could see all I could think was him.

That's the funny thing about time, it always runs out.

I saw the Dalek, but not before it had already seen the Doctor. Time sped up again and so many things seemed to happen at once. One, the Dalek shot the Doctor. Two, the Doctor collapsed. And three, Jack shoots the Dalek.

"Doctor!" I shriek as I'm crouching down and cradling his head. "I've got you, I've missed you. Look, it's me, Doctor."

I'm so ecstatic that I can barely breathe. "Rose," he says. The he says my name, it makes my heart do a summer sult. I want to cry, it's him, I'm here, he's here.

Hi is all I can manage.

"Long time no see," he jokes.

"Yeah, been busy, you know," The Doctor's head starts to lull back "Don't die. Oh, my God. Don't die. Oh my god, don't die."

"Get him in the TARDIS, quick move!" Jack Harkness said. Man, I had even missed him.

He grabbed his arms, while I grabbed his legs and we carried him quickly in.

"What, what do we do?" Donna shouted. "There must be some medicine or something."

"Just step back. Rose, do as I say, and get back." Jack backed us up. 'Oh god,'I thought. "He's dying and you know what happens next."

"What do you mean?" Donna said sounding flustered. "He can't."

"Oh, no. I came all this way." I whispered. He was going to change. My heart seemed to rip in two.

"What do you mean, what happens next?"

On the floor, the Doctor's hand started to glow. I wanted to cry, it wasn't fair! It wasn't fair, we were separated across dimensions and now when I finally get back he's going to change on me again.

"It's starting." The Doctor said.

"Here we go. Good luck, Doctor." Jack wrapped his arms around Donna and I.

"Will someone please tell me what is going on?" Donna shouted, if possible, even louder.

"When he's dying, his er, his body, it repairs itself. It changes. But you can't!" I didn't realize I had said the last part until the Doctor looked at me sadly and said,

"I'm sorry, it's too late. I'm regenerating"

I was going to lose him, again. He was going to change again. I found myself holding on the Jack because I didn't think I could bare this. What if he doesn't love me? What if the regeneration doesn't work? What if I can't love him when he changes? What if he's not him?

But it was too late now, he was changing now.

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