Just See Me

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Hey there!
I haven't written in a while! Even though I don't do my instagram anymore, I still want to write. This one is going to be a little different than the one before. It's going to be told by Nine, but I'm still super excited, and thank you all for all the views and votes on my last story!
xoxo - lexie


The Doctor twisted the long cord underneath the control panel of his TARDIS, something was wrong with the stabilizers. He wished he has some of the tools he had on Gallifrey or another Time Lord who he could ask.


The word sometimes rung in his head. How many children had he killed? How many-

Footsteps interrupted his own cruel thoughts. The Doctor looked up to see Rose, finally back from changing into appropriate 1800's attire.

She wore a long black and red dress with a black shaw over top. Rose's hair was pulled back in a way the Doctor in all his skills could never achieve.

"Blimey," was all he managed to say.

"Don't laugh," Rose smiled, blush creeping up her cheeks.

"You look beautiful," but he was lying. She didn't look beautiful, Rose looked gorgeous. "Considering-" he added on.

"Considering what?" Rose said taken aback.

"That you're human." The Doctor joked. Rose gave a mock angry look. She headed to the door, while The Doctor stood back and watched her. He loved watching her get excited about new places. The Doctor felt a smile stretch from ear to ear.

"Come on," Rose said, waving her arm toward herself.

They stepped out into the cold, snowy night. "History," he breathed out silently.

"Thank you," she said smiling.

"What for?" The Doctor asked.

"This, all of it, traveling with you, I love it."

"Oh, I'm glad. Thank you too." The Doctor said trying not to blush.

Rose smiled with that silly (but extremely adorable) smile with her tongue sticking up on her teeth. "Oh really?"

"Yeah, now I have someone to test the air first!" The Doctor laughed as Rose tried to push him over.

"Oi!" She yelled not finished with him. Rose picked up a big pile of snow and hurled it at him.

"Oh you do not want to go there!" The Doctor yelled, grabbing his own snow ball. Rose screamed as he chased her down.

The pair fell haphazardly into the snow, laughing. "Let's do this everyday." Rose smiled looking at him. She had snow flakes in her eyelashes and hair.

"You want to lose everyday?" The Doctor joked. They both laughed, "Sounds like a plan," he smiled at his Rose. Maybe they could do something like this more often. He took her hand and they went off to make history together.


Sorry about the crappy ending, I've actually been working on this for a while and couldn't end it right! Anyways comment some suggestions for my next story!'

The Doctor's Rose: a TenRose FanfictionМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя