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The Doctor adjusted his bowtie while Clara sifted through some old books. "It's got to be here somewhere," she said. They were sitting in a section of the library the Doctor had long since neglected. She open the book covered in circular gallifreyan. "Can you read this?"

"How course! It says How to change your Flusters on a Tardis Console Volume II." He said, with a smile. "I'll just set this over here and look over this later..."

"Do I even want to know what Flusters are?" Clara said looking up from another mound of paper.

"The rounds things, I love the round things." The Doctor smiled to himself. They had been looking all day for a instruction manual on how to reboot the console. (He wasn't sure what had gone wrong but he advised never purposely see how fast you can fly through a black hole.) The Doctor was sure he had it in here somewhere.

The last time he had been down here was with a different face, now that he thought of it. He had just discovered that there was actually another Timelord. He was his enemy, the Master, had somehow been able to trap and deactivate the TARDIS and use it as a power source. He wanted to make sure that would and could never happen again.

"My mum used to have big boxes of books and papers and pictures," Clara said breaking the silence. "And one day me and her spent the entire day just going through them, and the one day turned into two and then into three!" She laughed, and looked down sadly.

Clara didn't talk about her mother often, and when she did it always ended with her looking away sadly. The Doctor hadn't seen his mother in hundreds of years, but unlike Clara he couldn't even bring himself to speak of her.

"Who's this?" Clara said showing the Doctor a picture.

The Doctor's hearts skipped a beat, he thought he had lost it a couple hundred years ago. He took it from her hand and examined it more closely.

It was Rose smiling at the camera, in Magpie's Electrical's Shop.  At the time, he had considered that to be one of the worst days of his life, how wrong he was.

"It's an old friend," he couldn't bring himself to look away from it. He used to take random pictures of Rose all the time, he had never told her about all the capabilities of the sonic screwdriver. The Doctor had tons of them, but after he lost her, he destroyed most of them. This was one of the few that survived.

"Her name was Rose." A thousand images, a thousand laughs, all went through his head in an instant.

Clara laughed, "Obviously a little more than an old friend. Look at how your smiling!"

The Doctor felt a hot blush come to his face, "We used to travel together, a long time ago."

"Tell me about her," she said getting up to look back through the shelves. 

He opened his mouth then shut it again, he hadn't told anyone really the story of Rose, no one had really asked. River asked once or twice, but he hadn't been able to bring himself to talk to her about Rose. The Doctor looked at Clara, maybe it was time.

He didn't know when it had happened or even how it happened but one day all the pain of losing Rose has turned into a sort of joy. Maybe it was when he regenerated, he wasn't sure. But he knew he could never change what happened, he knew that she was happy, and he was too. The Doctor figured that's all that mattered.

So he proceeded to tell Clara the story of Rose Tyler, the defender of the universe.


lol I know this is kinda crappy, at first it was going to be all sad where eleven realized he could never get over Rose and how he missed her so much, but I honestly don't think that's true. I think eleven holds Rose in a very special place in his hearts but I don't think he feels the pain like ten did about Rose.

I was kinda inspired by Doctor Suess's quote, "Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened." And of course Ed Sheeran's song Photograph, which might make you cry if you read this and listen to it at the same time lol


HOLY MOTHER OF GOODNESS THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH 10K READS, I'm still in shock, I got the notification this morning and nearly passed out!

aahh, thank you all you're the best, ps I leave for college tomorrow😄😄😄


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