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I laid in the bed staring at the ceiling and clutched the sides of the bed. Closing my eyes I saw her. I saw her every time I closed my eyes now. I'd lost companions before, I'd lost so much, in the end the pain eventually dulled and life went on.

I wondered how long it would take for that to happen this time. Time had already passed, lots of time, in fact another companion had come and gone. But the pain still remained.

How selfish am I? I wish for the pain to be taken away, yet at the same time, it's the only thing that reminds me that she was ever real.

"Rose," I whispered out loud, so softly that I wasn't even sure if I had even said it.

I said her name once a day, I try to say everyone's name once a day.

I sighed and got out of bed. There was no use laying here and wallowing all night. I trudged down the hall to the console room, the TARDIS hummed at my appearance.

I rubbed the console and smiled to myself. "You're the one thing that always stays."

Tinkering always helps, so I rummaged through my tools and started underneath the console. I liked being down here, it helped me think.

Life isn't just black and white, they're are gray areas everywhere. But at least when I'm fixing the TARDIS it's all black and white no gray.

"Oye spaceman, keep it down, some of us actually need our sleep!" Donna said stomping in.

"Sorry, sorry," I said jumping up nearly hitting his head.

"What are you even doing?" She said crossing her arms.

"Oh, um," I scratched the back of my head.

"Are you telling me the TARDIS is broken? You've been flying me around in a bloody screwed up time machine??"

"No!" I yelled, a little cross. "It just helps me calm down the randomly work on the TARDIS, it's not broken or anything."

She stood there for moment giving me the stink eye,"Why did you need to calm down?"

I didn't say anything but headed back down underneath the console.

"Oye! You come back here!" She yelled stomping down the steps. "You woke me up, so you're going to tell me what is wrong!"

"It's nothing Donna!" I said quietly trying not to raise my voice, the last thing I needed a was a big argument.

Donne crossed her arms, looking pretty angry, she her face softened like she remembered something.

"Is it about that girl? Rose?"

My breath stopped, I didn't know why I was shocked that she knew. Donna's absolutely brilliant.

"Is it?" She asked.

I nodded slightly.

"Come on, spaceman." Donna grabbed my arm and dragged me upstairs. "Sit down, and tell me now."

"There's nothing to say," I said.

"Shut up and spill the beans."

I sighed then told her how I met Rose, I didn't mention that I had a different face, I figured it would be too confusing.

I went on to tell Donna about how she saved the world, how she didn't give up, I told her that I loved her.

"She risked her life to save the world that day, and when she did, she was trapped in an parallel universe. I had just fixed time, I wanted to rip the universe apart but I knew I couldn't. She would've been furious, that she sacrificed herself to save everything and in the end I just undid it to be with her. No, I knew it would be awful but I didn't do anything. I found a crack in the universe just big enough to speak to her, and I did. She told me that she loved me and right as I went to tell her, the crack closed off and sealed permanently." I looked down, I had never told anyone about what had happened.

"She sounds wonderful," Donna said sadly.

I nodded. For years and years and I had never even spoken about what happened and somehow that made it ten times worse.

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