Family Pictures

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Rose sifted the mess beneath the TARDIS console. "It's not over here Doctor," she yelled across the room.

"Really?" He yelled back, scratching his head. "I was sure it was down here."

"No, but I did find these interesting photos," she laughed. "Who's this bloke? He's quite colorful!"

The Doctor's eyebrows knit together, a weird look passed over his face, then a smile. "Uh that's me, actually." He scratched the back of his neck sheepishly.

"No!" Rose looked from back and forth between to two. "Oh my gosh, I knew you could change your face but wow!"

"What you don't think it's pretty cool?"

"No! It's just I can't picture you like that!" Rose hastily replied giggling.

"Hold on," he said winking at her, then jumping up and running off.

Rose rolled her eyes to herself then continued her search through the pictures. She was surprised, yet at the same time not surprised, to find him with other girls. Rose knew she wasn't his first companion but again couldn't picture him with anyone else but her.

She found what seemed to be pictures of beautiful sunsets but it didn't look like earth. Home, was written on the back. This had to be Gallifrey, where the Doctor was born. Sadness creeped over her.

Rose remember the first place they had gone together. The end of the earth. Even though that was millions of years in earths future, it still seemed unreal. How could the place she loved and called home just disappear into nothing. All the memories, all the life and laughter all gone, and nobody even payed attention.

She could only begin to comprehend what the Doctor went through daily.

"Can you picture it now?" The Doctor stood there smiling wildly. He was wearing the rainbow suit from the picture, he was so tall and lanky it hung off it him weirdly.

Rose couldn't contain her laughter. "You look ridiculous!"

"Oy! This used to be posh and fashionable."

"Key word used, as in past tense!" Rose snickered.

The Doctor ran over and scooped her up.

"Hey! Put me down!"

"Nope I'm just going to throw you out, that's what you get for insulting my fashion sense!"

Rose playfully starting hitting his arms. "Put me down! Ah!" She shrieked as they toppled over.

They were both laughing. "I hope that taught you a lesson about insulting my fashion sense."

"Nope," she smiled slyly. Her tongue sticking out slightly. "What are you going to do if I do it again?"

"I'll throw you right out the TARDIS." He said promptly.

"No, you won't."

He laughed, "No, I couldn't, I like you too much Rose Tyler. You're seared on both my hearts, I'll never let you go."

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