In Gallifreyian

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Hi there!
I'm so glad you're enjoying my fanfic! This next one is in Ten's point of view, and it's a little dark. This explores the Doctor's past on Gallifrey, and how Rose bring him through the devastion he feels after he thinks he destroyed Gallifrey. I hope you like it.


Her long brown hair hung in little curls around her tiny face. "Daddy," she squealed. He picked her up and swung her around while she screamed and he laughed.

"Watch it, you!" another voice chimed. The girl's mother stood with her arms on her hips, eying the pair suspiciously.

"Don't worry Momma, Daddy will never hurt me!" The child looked up into her father's eyes.

Suddenly the dream blurred, like a television cutting out.

The Doctor stood before a button, a big red button.

The girl hugged her father.

Then a low voice said, "No, I am not the Doctor. The Doctor is the name of a good man."

"Daddy? Are you alright?" The Doctor's daughter asked.

"Honey, what wrong?" his wife said, putting an arm around him. The golden sky's of Gallifrey started to burn.

"Daddy!?" The child screamed. "Make it stop! Please!"

"You don't have to do this Doctor!" his wife called.

He pressed the button.

The mother and daughter started to burn and disintegrate while screaming until-.

The Doctor sat straight up in bed. His hearts pounding. He wiped the sweat off his face and put his head in between his legs.

He tried to close his eyes, but when he did he saw his family. He didn't sleep a lot mainly for this reason. The Doctor had lived a long time, he had loved and lost so much.

Nightmares often plagued him of what he had once had.

And what he himself had destroyed.

The Doctor knew he wouldn't go back to sleep so he trudged towards the main room.

It was dark except for the dim glow of the TARDIS console. The TARDIS, his only constant companion.

The Doctor's thought's drifted towards Rose. He hadn't cared about someone as much as he did now in a long time, maybe not even since his wife.

He wanted more than anything for her to stay forever. But forever never lasted that long.

"Oi, what are you doing?" Rose yawned sleepily. She trudged in wearing some ridiculous slippers that resembled bunnies. Her hair was a mess, and that was okay. She was still just as beautiful as any other moment.

"Oh nothing," The Doctor jumped up, pushing all emotion down like he always did.

"What about that?" Rose pointed to the piece of paper he hadn't even realized he had been holding. It was page from a book he used to love. Except it was written in Gallifreyan.

"This? It's just a page written in Gallifreyan. Nothing important."

"Can you read that?" she asked quizzically.

"Oh yeah, it's not to hard, really." The Doctor paused then he had an idea. "Want me to show you how?"

Rose smiled that goofy grin, with her tongue half sticking out. The Doctor loved it.


For the next couple of days, The Doctor devoted himself to teaching her the basics, but it didn't take long. Rose caught on quickly.

"See look!" Rose held up a Gallifreyan for Rose.

"Brilliant!" The Doctor smiled.

One night, Rose help up her newest work. A smirk spread across her face.

The Doctor pulled her towards him and kissed her. Rose made him forget everything else.

No, he thought. Forget isn't the right word. She keeps me going despite all that has happened.

Rose dropped the piece of paper, and wrapped her arms around him as they kissed.

It said, I love you, in Gallifreyan.

The Doctor's Rose: a TenRose FanfictionDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora