Kyle Hakim x Reader

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[A/N: In this one-shot you will be Xavier's twin sister with navy blue eyes. You aren't as outgoing as Xavier but still outgoing. Lyrics don't belong to me. Hope you enjoy.]

Word Count: 5023

[Your POV]

You sighed as you continued training with your brother. "Hey cheer up, we'll be on the Battleship Cruise tomorrow morning." Your brother told you resting a hand on your shoulder. You looked at him smiling slightly. "I know, I'm just nervous cause I'm not sure if I'm ready for it." You replied looking down sadly. He hugged you tightly and you hugged back. "Let's head to bed for the night shall we?" He asked. You nodded walking inside with him and to your rooms. "Goodnight Xavier." "Goodnight Y/N." You shut your door and walked to your balcony. You looked out at the stars wishing you could lay under them forever. After a few hours of waiting you quietly opened your door and tip-toed down the stairs and out the front gate. You looked back, "I'm sorry Xavier." You turned back and ran to the forest your bag on your shoulder. You ran to a secret bey stadium in the middle of the forest and began training. You trained all night then rested and watched the sunrise over the ocean. You smiled and did two more hours of training before changing into a pair of black leggings, your navy blue hoodie, and your tall-ish black boots and then headed to the dock. You were pretty tired from training all night but you knew it was worth it. You finally got to the dock and saw the ship, you also saw Suoh leaning on the edge. You waved and stumbled aboard. "Hi Suoh." You whispered tiredly. "Hey Y/N let's get you to bed. You can stay in my room for now then I'll let Kris know that you're on board ok?" He explained. You nodded as he helped you to his room. He layed you down and you fell asleep instantly at the softness of the mattress.
[Xavier's POV]
When I woke up I got ready and headed downstairs for breakfast. I expected to see Y/N down there already but she was no where in sight. 'Maybe she's still in her room getting ready.' I thought. I brushed it off and began eating, after awhile I began to worry cause she's never this late. I walked back up to her room and knocked. "Y/N?" I asked. No response. "Y/N come on you need to eat." I called in. No answer. I slowly opened the door to reveal her gone. I got terrified cause if she left early then the guards would've known but they said they haven't seen her since last night when we walked in. I thought about where she could be but didn't come up with anything. 'I need to relax. She's a strong girl and was also trained by Ren Wu Sun, a very skilled martial artist who knows how to deal with any type of situation with a calm mind. She'll be fine on her own. But I need to head towards the dock.' I thought calming down. I walked to the dock to see the ship there already. I was ready to face on any challenge that came my way. I walked on board and it wasn't until the announcer noticed me that everyone became aware of who I was. I smiled and we all walked to the arena so I could battle a few of them. After a few battles Aiger walked up and challenged me. After the battle which I had won I decided to stay on the ship and travel the rest of the way with them. I walked back onto the deck and looked out at the castle hoping Y/N would make it before we left. As we were leaving I frowned looking down. 'She didn't make it. I hope she'll be ok by herself for awhile.' I thought sadly.
[Suoh's POV]
I looked over at Xavier to see him sad and frowning. 'He's probably worried about Y/N and doesn't know that she's already on the ship. I should probably go and wake her up now.' I thought walking back to my room. When I opened the door I didn't see her on the bed but I heard her in the bathroom. "Hey I think there's someone who would like to see you on the deck." I informed. "I'm guessing it's my brother. He's probably worried about me cause I wasn't in my room when he woke up and he couldn't find me in the palace walls. I was out in the forest all night training then I watched the sunrise and trained some more. Watching the sunrise has always been my favorite thing since I started training with Ren Wu." She answered also explaining why she was so tired. I watched as she walked out with her hair down and brushed and smiling. "Wait you were trained by Ren Wu?!" I asked surprised. "Mm-hm. I was trained by Ren Wu and Xavier was trained by Xander." She answered as we walked out to the deck. When she saw her brother she smiled and ran but the surprising thing was I didn't hear her footsteps running towards him. 'It must have been part of her training.' I thought shrugging it off as I watched her jump onto Xavier's back.
[Your POV]
You laughed at Xavier's reaction when you jumped on him. "Got ya." After he calmed down he turned to you and smiled. "When did you get here?" He asked. "Two and a half hours after sunrise." You replied with a smile. "Ok. When did you leave the palace?" He questioned. "Last night a few hours after coming in. I couldn't sleep so I went and trained till morning then watched the sunrise. But I wish Ren Wu was there with me, I think he would've been proud at how hard I've been working. And I'm sorry for not telling you where I was." You explained sadly. "It's ok. At least I know that you're safe." He hugged you and you hugged back. You walked back over to Suoh and hugged him. "What's this for?" He asked smiling hugging back. "For helping me out earlier." You whispered in his ear. "I see. Your welcome Y/N." He replied. After awhile of talking Kris walked over to you. "Y/N, there's someone on the line for you. I think you should answer it." She explained. You nodded and waved to Suoh and your brother before walking to her office to answer it. "Hello?" You asked. "Hey Y/N/N." The voice replied. "Ren Wu!" You yelled happily. You could hear his gentle laugh. "Sorry if that was loud." You apologized. "It's ok, I just wanted to call and make sure everything was alright. How are you doing?" He asked. "I'm doing fine though I probably should've actually slept last night." You admitted. "Why didn't you sleep?" He asked worried. "I wasn't confident enough in myself so I ran into the forest and trained all night then rested watching the sunrise like we used to do then I trained for two more hours before getting onto the ship." You explained. "I see, well hopefully you'll get some more sleep tonight then. Also know that I'll be cheering for you the entire time." He explained back. "Thanks, and I'll be up every morning to watch the sunrise." You smiled. "Alright. I should let you go now. Goodnight Y/N sleep well." He told you. "Goodnight Ren Wu." You smiled again hanging up. You walked back over to Kris to ask her a quick question. "Hey Kris?" You asked. "What is it Y/N?" She turned to you. "I was wondering if we're going to be stopping in Brazil at all?" You were very hopeful. "We will that's actually our next stop but we'll be arriving there in a few days. Is there a reason why you asked?" "Yea, the person who trained me is on the Brazil team SB Rios. And I really want to see him again." You explained smiling. "I see. Well you should head to bed. Your room is the one to the left of Suoh's." She explained and you nodded before walking out. You walked back on deck to look up at the stars before heading to your room to sleep. Once you arrived in your room you could see everything was set and ready and you walked to your bed and layed down falling asleep immediately. When you woke up the next morning you smiled and got out of bed and changed before walking onto the deck. "So who called last night? We were in bed by the time you finished." Suoh asked. "Ren Wu called, he just wanted to check up on me and make sure I was doing fine." You explained with a smile. You were leaning on the edge when a sudden fog started surrounding the ship. You turned your head and saw another ship. You all got on board and waited to see what would happen. Beyeen appeared making a few of the boys jump and you giggled. After everything was explained the time began and you walked through an open door. You knew that if you wanted to make it in time you'd have to go by yourself and get there on your own while being careful. After awhile you heard that Xavier had been eliminated while being his heroic self. You continued on your way and heard that Suoh had lost a battle and was eliminated as well. After awhile you turned a corner and saw something or someone walk towards you. You quickly stood your ground and didn't waver. Suddenly the bookshelf behind you began to fall and you quickly did a back flip to avoid getting crushed and landed on the back smoothly. You looked for the person but didn't see anyone. You shrugged it off and kept going, you eventually made it to the deck to see that Phi had made it along with a masked boy with green hair. After a bit of waiting Aiger flipped over the edge and you looked at the other ship to see your brother and Suoh standing at the edge. You took a breath and remembered what Ren Wu taught you. "Keep an open mind and try to figure out your opponents trajectory." You smiled and got into launching position. "I'll sit this one out." Phi announced walking away. You shrugged it off then took a glance at each of your opponents and studied their positions. 'Kyle's bey is going to head for the center while Aiger's bey is going to loop the outer ring. If I can just cut Aiger off on an attack on Kerbeus then it'll just be me and Kyle battling.' You thought. You had a look of determination on your face as well as a slight smirk. You all launched and you laughed quietly seeing that you were right. You waited a bit and watched as Achilles went to attack Kerbeus and made your move. "Now [B/N] let's do this." You called your [f/c] and [s/f/c] aura appeared. [B/N] went and cut Achilles off taking minimal damage while Achilles went flying hitting the edge and wavering. You were waiting for Kyle to make his move which he did and burst Achilles. [B/N] then began looping around the outer ring as Kerbeus reclaimed the center. [B/N] began attacking Kerbeus finding any weak points that it can and using them against it. Eventually [B/N] made Kerbeus burst. You smiled in excitment. "Congratulations you've earned a bey star." Beyeen announced before disappearing. You all got back on board the other ship and went to the cafeteria to eat. "Your win was beautiful Y/N." Suoh smiled. "Yes, well done Y/N." Xavier smiled as well. "Thanks guys that means a lot to me." You thanked smiling. "Y/N." Kris called. You turned to her and she nodded. You smiled, "I'll be right back boys." "Ok. Bye." They replied as you got up and walked to Kris' office. On your way there you ran into Kyle without his mask on. "I'm sorry Kyle." You apologized having not looked up yet. He reached out a hand to help you up. You grabbed it and he pulled you up and you got a good look at his face. You were surprised and blushed slightly. "I'm sorry again but I need to go." You apologized again. "It's ok. I'll see you around." He called after you as you walked away. You walked into the office and towards the phone. "Hello?" You asked even though you knew who it was. "Hey Y/N/N. I just wanted to congratulate you on the win on the Ghost Ship." Ren Wu stated. "Thank you. I just used the things you taught me and it helped me win." You explained. "I see. Well I'm glad that it helped." You could tell he was smiling even though you couldn't see him. "I really miss you too Ren Wu. I can't wait to see you again." You replied in an almost begging voice. "I know, how about we plan to meet up in the forest outside your palace after this whole cruise ship adventure is over yea?" He asked. "Yea. Anyways goodnight Ren Wu." "Goodnight Y/N sleep well." You then hung up and walked away. You smiled at the thought of seeing Ren Wu again in two days. You walked back to the deck to find the boys standing there waiting for you. "Hey, I'm back." You stated as you walked up to them. "Hey, so what'd you talk about?" Xavier asked. "Not much. He just wanted to congratulate me on the win is all." You explained. Out of the corner of your eye you noticed Kyle walk down the hall towards your room cause his room was down the other hall. "Oh cool." Suoh exclaimed smiling. You nodded, "hey I'm going to go grab something from my room real quick." You walked away towards your room and noticed a note stuck to it.

Beyblade Burst x Reader [Soulmate AU] (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now