Evel x Reader

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[A/N: You're Hearts' and Phi's sister. The three of you are triplets. You have red and silver eyes but you hide your silver one. You also have baby blue hair that fades into navy blue that goes past your waist. You live with them at the citadel. I don't own anything but the plot.]

Word Count: 3037

[Your POV]

"Y/N!" You heard your brothers call for you. "Coming!" You called back walking to the main room. "What is it?" You asked as you walked up beside Evel. "Well we were wondering how you'd feel if you worked beside Evel. Just for awhile that is. Until we figure out what this Aiger kid's bey is all about." Hearts offered. "I'd be fine with that. It's not like I haven't done that before." You replied with a smile. You looked at Evel who nodded with a smile as well. He led you to his lab to show you what he's found out. "Ready to help me figure out Aiger's bey Achilles?" "Yea. Let's get started." He laughed lightly at your enthusiasm. You smiled at his gentle laugh and started on looking stuff up on Aiger's bey. After a few hours you found something. "Hey Evel. Come look at this." You told him showing him your screen. You clicked play on the video and it showed his resonance being corrupted and when it wasn't. "Look at the difference. When it's corrupted it's more out of control than when it's not." You pointed out. "Nice job let's show this to your brothers." He replied setting a hand on your shoulder looking down at you with a smile. You blushed slightly at his compliment and smile. The thing is, ever since you met Evel you've had a crush on him. You nodded and got up and walked back to the main room to show your brothers. "Phi, Hearts, you need to see this." You announced when you walked into the room. They looked at you and you showed them the video. "Look at the difference, when his resonance is corrupted Achilles is more out of control than when his resonance isn't corrupted. You follow?" You asked pointing out what you showed Evel. "Yea. So if we can just get his resonance to get corrupted during battle we can get the edge on him." They replied smiling. "Yea." You assured them. "Nice work sis. And that was only in a few hours. See what else you can find." They praised. You smiled and nodded before walking off again. You continued looking for things but didn't find anything. "Ugh!" You sighed frustrated. "What's wrong?" Evel asked. "I can't find anything that my brothers don't already know!" You shouted throwing your arms up. "That's ok. We've managed enough. But they did challenge us to a singing battle. It's going to be in teams of four. So we were wondering if you two would like to join us?" Your brothers asked from the door. You looked at Evel who nodded than nodded yourself. No one knew you were Phi's and Hearts' sister cause you don't battle much preferring to stay in the shadows. "Great. It's tomorrow so we're spending the rest of the day practicing. Sound good?" Phi asked. "Yea. Any idea what songs we're all going to do?" You asked in return. Evel and Hearts nodded but Phi shook his head. "Ok. What are they? Or is it a surprise?" You asked again. "Surprise." They all answered. "Ok. Then I'll keep mine a surprise as well." You replied walking of to your room to start. You started singing gently trying to get it right before bed. After awhile you fell asleep. You woke up to Evel knocking on your door. "Come in." You called out pulling your hair up into a high ponytail. "You coming? We're getting ready to leave." Evel informed you. "Yea. Just give me two minutes to change. Then I'll be out." You replied. He nodded and shut your door before walking away. You quickly changed into a silver and navy blue jacket that goes to your feet, black boots, a stormy grey shirt, and black leggings. You walked out to the plane and sat in your seat waiting to arrive at the stage. "Hey Phi did you figure out your song?" You asked. He nodded and you smiled. You were getting tired cause you didn't sleep much last night so you leaned on Evel. After a few hours Evel gently shook you awake. "Y/N. We're here." He whispered to you. "Ok." You replied as you stood up and stretched. You walked off the plane with the others and made your way to the stage. "Ok boys and girls! Today we found out that Aiger Akabane challenged the mysterious bladers at the dark citadel to a singing battle. Now to introduce our competitors. From Beigoma Academy we have Aiger Akabane, Ranjiro Kiyama, Fubuki Sumiye, and Suoh Genji." Hanami announced as the four walked on stage. "And from the Dark Citadel we have Phi, Hearts, Y/N, and Evel." Hanami annouced and you walked onstage. "Wait am I seeing things or could Y/N be the sister of Hearts and Phi!" He asked amazed. You smirked and nodded before walking to the side with your brothers and Evel. "So all we need to do now is figure out their order and our own." Evel stated. You nodded. "My guess is they're going to send Aiger od Ranjiro out first and save the other two for third and fourth." You answered. "Ok. Now that we have a pretty good idea about their order, let's figure out our own." Phi added. "Yea, I'll go first or second. It doesn't matter to me." Hearts spoke up. "Ok. You can go second, I'll go first. And Evel why don't you go third so Y/N can go last. How's that sound?" Phi asked. You nodded with a smile. "Ok. Let's get this show on the road. Each person in the audience will get the chance to vote for who is better after each person goes. Whoever has the most votes at the wins. Now would the first competitors please step up." Hanami announced smiling. You smiled at Phi as he walked up. "Ok. From Beigoma Academy we have Aiger Akabane. From the Dark Citadel we have Phi." He announced again. Aiger started off and didn't do to bad but you knew your brother was going to win. Just then Phi started singing.

Beyblade Burst x Reader [Soulmate AU] (Book 1)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum