Wakiya Murisaki x Reader

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[A/N: Sorry if this is bad. I try my best writing these. I might not update as much because of homework and us being out of school. Send in requests please. It'll keep me busy. If I don't get to it right away please be patient with me. Thank you. Btw you have a telepathic connection with Hearts cause you always felt closer than him than you were to Phi. Bold is the connection with Hearts.]

Word Count: 1572

[Your POV]

You were alone in the world. Sure you had the Beyclub and Sword Flames. You're parents died when you were little, so the Beyclub and Sword Flames was as close to a family that you were gonna get. Of course you had a brother and sister that would be 7 now if they hadn't died in the car accident with your parents. At the thought of it you cried. You were sitting in a tree crying looking down at the blonde blader below training. "Wakiya come on let's go." Another boy complained. He had dark curly hair. "Not now Hoji. Can't you see that I'm training?!" Wakiya said annoyed. Hoji walked away probably to go home. You continued to watch Wakiya in fascination. You glanced down at your wrist. It was a small purple dragon wrapped around a blue and purple dragon. You had yet to find someone with a purple aura and a dragon bey. You thought it was Wakiya but you didn't know what his bey was. You knew his aura was purple but you didnt know if he had a dragon bey. Little did you know that Wakiya knew you were up in the tree. "You know if you're going to sit up there and watch me you might as well just tell me your name." He said looking up at you. You gasped in surprise. "My name is [Y/N] [L/N]." You said with as much confidence you could come up with. "Wait. [L/N]? Like the family that died in a car accident a few years ago? They said that there was a missing daughter that didn't die in that accident." He informed you. "Yea. My parents and twin siblings are dead. I'm on my own with nowhere to go." You said crying. You slowly climbed down the tree and sat there and cried. You watched him as he came down next to you and hugged you gently. You hugged back feeling safe and warm. You smiled and cuddled closer to him. "Would you like to stay with me?" He asked. "Sure. But I gotta go grab my bag from Xander's dojo. Wanna come with?" You asked. "Sure. Why not?" He said smiling. You smiled back at him and you walked to Xander's dojo to grab your bag. When you got there you walked to your room and grabbed your bag. "Bye guys I'll see you tomorrow." You said hugging all of them. Since your family died you were close with Quon, Ukyo, and Daigo. "Bye [Y/N]. See you tomorrow." They said backing hugging you in return. You walked to Wakiya's house with him and walked inside. "This place is huge. You live here?" You asked in surprise. "Yup. It'll be just us tonight cause my parents are out of town." He said hugging you from behind. You jumped and gasped in surprise. He laughed. "You mind showing me to my room for the night?" You asked giggling. He took your hand gently and led you to a big room with a blue and purple blanket and a balcony. You walked out onto the balcony and sighed smiling. "Good night [Y/N]." You heard Wakiya call from the door. "Night Wakiya." You called back still standing on the balcony. You heard the door close and you looked at the stars and started singing.

After you finished you sang one more song before heading to bed.

After you finished that song you went to bed. You woke up from the nightmare of the night your family died. You sat up and walked back onto the balcony. You remembered your friends Phi and Hearts. You missed them so much. As if summomed by the thought you looked down to see them standing there looking up at you. They flew up and landed on your balcony. (Question? Do they actually fly or is it just their powers?) "Phi?! Hearts?!" You said surprised as you hugged them tightly. "We're here [Y/N]." They said together. You pulled away and smiled at them. "I missed you guys so much. How'd you know I was here?" You asked. "We have our ways." They said smirking. You giggled and led them to your bed to catch up. Before you knew it, it was morning and you were still talking happily with Hearts and Phi about everything that's happened. Then a sudden knock caused you to stop. "Who is it?" You asked. "It's Wakiya. Can I come in?" He asked. You panicked. "Hide somewhere." You whispered in a panicked voice. "Give me a sec and let me change." You called out. You grabbed your bag and grabbed a purple hoodie that Hearts gave you with black leggings and fuzzy black socks that Phi gave you. You also grabbed a heart locket that had two picture of you, Hearts, and Phi older on one side and younger on the other. "Ok. You can come in now Wakiya." You said as you had watched Hearts and Phi quietly slip into the huge walk in closet. "What is it Wakiya?" You asked your hands in your hoodie pocket. He noticed the locket and frowned. "It's time for breakfast. Come on." He said frowning. "Wakiya. Hold on. You came in smiling and noticed something than frowned. What's wrong?" You asked. "I saw the heart locket and thought you already found your soulmate because I think that youre my soulmate." He explained. "Oh Wakiya. I've had this since I was little. It just has a picture of me and two of my closest friends of when we're younger and than another one of when we're older." You explained taking his hands in yours. "Oh. Can I see the pictures?" He asked. You looked nervous and tried making a connection with Hearts. "Wakiya wants to see the pictures in the locket. Can I show him?" You asked. "Phi doesn't want you to and to be honest I don't you to either. But if you flip it over there's a button that creates an illusion and it'll show you with Shu and Xander." He said. "Thanks Hearts. Tell Phi that you guys are like my brothers." You said. "Ok. I did and he said you're like our sister and I agree. Love you sis." He said. "Love you too bro. Tell Phi the same thing." You said disconnecting the connection. You flipped it and pressed the button and opened the locket. While he saw Xander and Shu you saw Phi and Hearts. "Well come on it's time for breakfast." He said smiling again pulling your wrist. You made it down to the kitchen and grabbed plates of waffles and Wakiya kissed your cheek. You blushed and ate. Afterwards you went back up to your room and Hearts and Phi came out and sang with you on the balcony.

After the three of you finished singing you heard your door open and you gasped as you turned around and faced Wakiya. "[Y/N]? Who are they?" He asked anger clear in his voice. You shivered. "They're just a few friends of mine. Relax Wakiya." You said fear clear in your voice. Phi and Hearts looked at you worried. He started to walk towards you still angry. He grabbed your wrist and you jumped screaming slightly. On instinct you grabbed onto Hearts. Hearts wrapped his arms around you as you held on and Phi did the same. You noticed Phi's eyes starting to get darker and you got worried. "Phi. Please don't." You said turning to him tears clouding your vision. He didn't listen and you were scared. You ripped your wrist out of Wakiya's grasp and ran from the twin boys. You heard them gasp in surprise as you ran to the bathroom in your room and locked the door. You heard knocking and ignored it as you cried. "[Y/N] please. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you." Wakiya said. "I'm sorry for scaring you. I was just trying to protect you." Phi said. You didn't hear anything from Hearts. "Hearts?" You asked. Nothing. You tried connecting with him but nothing. "Phi? Where's Hearts?" You asked. You didnt hear anything for a second until Phi replied back. "Crying in a corner thinking that it was his fault." He said. Your eyes widened. You opened the door kissed Wakiya and hugged Phi. You ran over to Hearts and hugged him from behind. "I'm sorry that I made you think it was your fault. It wasn't your fault at all. I was just scared and everything was happening too fast." You apologized. "It's ok [Y/N]." He said hugging you tightly. You hugged back. "Also don't ever shut me out of our connection like that again." You warned. He looked terrified for a moment before relaxing. "Ok. I'm sorry." He apologized. You smiled and walked over Wakiya and kissed him as Phi walked over to help his brother up.

Beyblade Burst x Reader [Soulmate AU] (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now