Silas Karlisle x Reader

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[A/N: Sorry if this is bad. I haven't written for Silas before. I'll do my best. You're twin brother is Free. You and Free have twin telepathy. Bold italics will be the telepathy.]

Word Count: 1458

[Your POV]

You were walking to your room after training looking at the mark on your hand. You were tired of waiting for it to glow as you had for days waiting for it to glow. You were walking to the room you shared with your brother Free. You sighed as you opened the door. You were surprised to actually see Free awake. "I'm surprised that you're awake. I expected you to be asleep by now." You said laughing. "Oh haha. You're the exact same way." He said smiling at you. You smiled and walked over to his bed and sat across from him. "So what's keeping you up?" You asked. "My mark. I can't tell what it means." He said showing it to you. "Well by the looks of it, it's either Kris or Shasa. Have you run into either of them since your mark appeared a few days ago?" You asked. "I was talking to Shasa yesterday and nothing happened. Does that mean my soulmate is Kris?" He asked. "Most likely. I'm having the same problem." You said showing him your mark. His eyes widened. "How could you not tell who this is?! This is the mark for Silas." He said surprised. You looked at it closer and realized it. "Oh my God. How could I be so stupid?! It hasn't glowed yet cause I haven't talked to him since I got my mark a few days ago." You said out of realization. "One you aren't stupid. Two try talking to him tomorrow. Three wanna come get our usual snack from Ange with me?" He asked. "Yea. I'm starving and could really use a cookie right now." You said smiling. He got up and offered his hand to you which you took and he pulled you off the bed. You wrapped an arm around his waist and he wrapped an arm around your shoulders. You smiled and leaned into him. You may be twins but you're slightly shorter than he is. You made it to the cafeteria without being spotted and headed over to Ange. "Hey Ange." You said together. "Hey guys. How many cookies?" She asked. "6 cookies and 2 waters." Free said. You smiled at him and walked over to the nearest table with him. You sat down and started talking. "So if I have to talk to Silas tomorrow that means you have to talk to Kris tomorrow. Deal?" You asked. "Deal." He said with a smile. "Hey after this do you wanna head to the secret flower patch in the forest?" He asked. "Yes." You said smiling. Just then Ange came with two plates and two waters. "Thank you Ange." You said in unison. You happily ate your cookies and drank your water. After you finished Free grabbed your hand and pulled you into the forest to the flower patch. It used to be a clearing so the moonlight glows onto the flowers. You smiled and looked at all the beautiful flowers. You found what you had been looking for and placed it in your hair. It was a white rose with a single silver petal in the middle from the moonlight. You turned to Free and smiled. He looked at the flower and smiled too. "You look beautiful sis." He said twirling you around. "Thank you bro." You said laughing as he spun you. You started singing in a soft voice and he soon joined you.

After the song you yawned and looked at Free. "Let's get you back to bed." He said picking you up. "Thanks Free." You said falling asleep. "Your welcome [Y/N] I love you." He said. When you woke up you got in the shower and woke up Free so you could head out to the forest. "Come on Free." You said dragging him out the door. "I'm coming. But we need to stop by the training room first." He said. You groaned and walked to the training room with Free. You walked in behind Free and stood away from the others. "Ok. There is one spot open on the team. Sunbat United has challenged us to a friendly match. With Free and [Y/N] being the first two picks on the team there is one spot left plus the substitute." Trad said. "[Y/N] and Free don't think you're worth their time. Prove them wrong." Kris said as you walked out the door towards the forest. "Wanna battle or go to the flower patch again?" Free asked. "Let's go to the flower patch and then battle." You suggested. He nodded and you walked to the flower patch. When you got to the flower patch you saw the white roses again and went and picked one and placed it in your hair. You turned to Free and smiled. "You know. I'm sure Kris is going to make you perform tonight after our battle against Sunbat United." He said. You groaned knowing that he was right. "Yea yea. I know. But you're performing with me." You said smiling. "Ok." He said smiling back shrugging. "Now lets battle." You said pulling him to the stadium. After awhile of training you decided to head back to BC Sol. You yawned and looked at Free who also yawned. "I'm going to head to our room. Wanna come?" He asked. "Yes please. I'm tired. Let's go." You said. You started pushing him towards your room when suddenly you got a small headache. "You ok?" He asked. "Yea. Just a sudden headache. It's gone now though." You said. "If you're sure. Come on we're almost to our room." He said. "Finally." You said laughing. You ran the rest of the way to your room. When you got your room you flopped down on your bed and fell asleep. You started having a nightmare.

"You're such a freak. Why would I love you?" Silas said. "You're weak. I don't know why I call you my sister." Free said. "You're off the team. You don't even deserve your bey." Kris said.

You woke up panting and looked at Free. 'He's still asleep. Good.' You thought. You quietly got out of bed and snuck out of the room to the forest. You fell back asleep in a clearing in the forest. When you woke up you saw Free standing over you worried.  "Are you ok? What happened? Why weren't you in bed earlier?" He asked. He kneeled down beside you and helped you sit up. "I'm fine. I just had a nightmare. I left the room after my nightmare." You said looking away from him. He helped you up and you walked back to BC Sol so you two could perform. "Now Free and [Y/N] are going to perform 3 songs." Kris said. You and Free walked up and started singing.

After that you started the next song.

You started the final song with a sad look. '"What's with the face?" He asked. "I'm fine just nervous to talk to Silas." You said. "You'll do fine. You're going talk to him after this." He said. You sighed.'

After you finished performing you walked off to find Silas. Once you found him you walked up to him nervously. "Hey Silas?" You asked in a soft voice. He turned to you and smiled gently. "What is it [Y/N]?" He asked. "I was wondering if you liked the performance?" You asked hope showing clear in your [e/c] orbs. "I loved it. You and Free did amazing." He said leaning down and kissing your cheek. You blushed and kissed his cheek in return. He ruffled your golden hair as you giggled. Then your marks glowed as you came in skin contact with each other. You smiled and pecked his lips laughing. He grinned and you ran off. He laughed as he ran after you. You were faster than him so you ran into the forest to the flower patch picked a white and silver flower placing it in your hair before running off to find Silas. Cause knowing him he probably got lost looking for you. You spotted his green hair from the trees and laughed. He looked up at you and smiled. You went to jump down but your hoodie sleeve got caught on a branch and you fell. You screamed in fear of getting hurt but Silas noticed and caught you. "Thank you Silas." You said putting your face in the crook of his neck. "Your welcome, love." He said. You kissed him and he kissed back.

Beyblade Burst x Reader [Soulmate AU] (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now