Phi x Reader

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[A/N: Hope you enjoy this. This is inspired and dedicated to my sister Shelby. We both ship her with Phi. Also you have ice powers. Leave a comment for requests or if I made a mistake. Thanks.]

Word Count: 1134

[Your POV]

You were sitting in the living room with your sister watching a movie when you got a call. You looked at the top to see that it was [e/n]. "Who is it?" Your sister asked pausing the movie. "[E/N]." You answered groaning. You picked up. "What do you want?!" You sneered. "Let's just say if you dont come to the beypark than your friend is gonna pay." [E/N] said. "No [Y/N]! Dont do it!" You heard Daigo yell. "Daigo?" You asked quietly. "Like I said. If you aren't at the beypark in 5 minutes he's gonna pay." She said hanging up. "We're going to the beypark!" You said urgently. "Why?" She asked worried. "Daigo is in danger. Now let's go!" You yelled pulling on your boots. She followed you as you ran out the door. The two of you ran to the beypark wanting to save Daigo. You made it there and by the looks of it she had the rest of the Beyclub there too. "Let them go!" You yelled at her. "You keep her distracted. I'll go and get them." [S/N] whispered to you. You nodded and she left. [E/N] started advancing on you with a knife in hand. She went to strike as she was running and you dodged it. As she kept swiping at you, you kept dodging and eventually knocked the knife out of her hand. "Now it's hand to hand combat." You said smirking. You slipped off your boots so you were barefoot. She went to punch you but you dodged and went to punch her in the stomach and landed a hit. She stumbled back and you kicked her in the chest and she fell backwards. You didn't notice she had the knife in hand again until you felt a sudden pain in your ankle. You looked down to see a cut there. Just then fog started to surround the area. You looked to see [E/N] go to strike again, you went to attack but a figure beat you to it. They knocked the blade from her hand and made her unconscious. You ran over to your sister and friends as best as you could with a hurt ankle. "How are you guys?" You asked not even bothering to hide the worry in your voice. "We're ok. What about your ankle?" Shu asked equally worried. "It's fine. I'll be fine." You said trying to assure them and yourself. Then the figure from before came over. Something about them seemed familiar to you. You finally saw their eyes and gasped. It was the same pair of eyes you had seen from when you had a vision about your soulmate. "Your name is Phi, isn't it?" You asked. "Yes. And you're [Y/N] I assume then?" He asked. "Yea." You said smiling. You went to stand but winced when your ankle stung. He sat down beside you worry in his eyes. "May I see the cut?" He asked. You nodded hesitantly at first than remembered he's your soulmate and you trust him. You brought up your leggings just above the mark. He gently put his hand on it and it glowed slightly. When he took his hand away the cut and pain was gone. "Thank you." You said hugging him. He smiled and hugged back. "Um [Y/N]. How do you know him?" [S/N] asked. "I know him because he's my soulmate." You said pulling away and leaning on him. Just then another figure emerged from the shadows. 'His twin Hearts I think.' You thought to yourself. "You're late." Phi said. "Sorry, not my fault Evel made me late." He said back. "Hearts, right?" [S/N] suddenly asked. "Yea. [S/N], am I correct?" He asked. She nodded and hugged him. "Explanation please?" Valt and Honcho asked. "All we can say is soulmates." The 4 of us said together. "I see." They said. You nodded smiling. "So question. How'd she manage to get all you guys here? Or were you already here training?" [S/N] asked. "We were here training when she attacked." Daigo explained. "I'm over her and her stupid reasons to hurt and annoy us." You said groaning. "Aren't we all?" Ken said sarcastically. You smiled and stood up and started walking home. You looked over your shoulder to see Phi following you. You looked down at your hands and saw little snowflakes. You panicked and sprinted home to your room. You got to your room and locked the door. You let your powers lash out for a second before calming down. Then there was a knock on your door. "Who is it?" You asked. "It's everyone." [S/N]'s voice came through the door. You took a breath and unlocked and opened your door letting them all in. After they were all in you went and sat on your bed. Phi came and hugged you sitting next to you on the bed. "It's ok. I've known about your powers by the way." He said. "How long?!" You asked surprised. "Since I got my soulmate vision. It showed your eyes with snowflakes swirling around them." He said. "Oh." You said shyly. "How long have you had your powers?" [S/N] asked slightly angry. "I was born with them." You stated. You saw her continue to get angry. "And you didn't even tell me?!" She yelled. "I didn't want to worry you with my problems!" You yelled. You felt the coldness of the snowflakes again. You looked at Phi and he tried to calm you down. You let your silver eyes become a crystal blue. Snow started to form and create a storm. "Everyone out!" You heard Phi yell. You heard footsteps run out your door and your door close. You were about let your powers lash but you felt arms wrap around your waist. "Shh. Calm down. You're ok. I've got you." You heard Phi whisper in your ear. Your eyes went back to normal and you calmed down. The snow stopped and disappeared completely. You went and opened the door to see everyone sitting on the floor rocking back and forth still a little scared. "Hey guys. I'm sorry for scaring you." You apologized your voice softer than usual but still audible. They all looked up at you and smiled gently. "It's ok." They said. You walked in and hugged Phi. "Thanks. Love you." You said before drifting off into sleep. "Your welcome. Love you too. Sleep well darling." He said before falling asleep too.

Beyblade Burst x Reader [Soulmate AU] (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now