Shu Kurenai x Reader

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[A/N: Sorry if this is bad. Honestly, I've been trying to make these good but in my opinion these are really bad. If you say different please say so in the comments so I know that people at enjoy these. Thanks. Your really close friends with Phi, Evel, and Hearts to the point where you start calling them your brothers. They'll do anything to protect you. It startes with a flashback from when you were younger. Italics will be Italian unless it's a phone call or flashback.]

Word Count: 1707

[Your POV]


You were walking home one day after school when you were pushed to the ground. You got up and contiuned walking only to be pushed down again. You kept getting hit on the back creating bruises until a boy with white hair stopped them. "Leave her alone!" He yelled. Once the bullies ran off he turned and held a hand out to you. You took it and he helped you up. "I'm Shu Kurenai. And you are?" He asked. "I'm [Y/N] [L/N]. Nice to meet you." You said smiling. "You wanna introduce me to your parents or do you not want your parents to know?" He asked. "Follow me." You said leading him to your house. When you arrived you walked in with Shu behind you only to be met with angry parents. "[Y/N]! Who is this?!" They yelled. "His name is Shu. I met him today when he made the bullies leave me alone." You said your voice starting to shake. "Well make him leave. He isn't welcome here cause the bullies were right to attack you like they did." They said. "Bye Shu. See you tomorrow." You whispered to him. A few days later your parents divorced and you're mom became even more abusive. You met Phi, Hearts, and Evel and they basically became you're brothers.

~End of Flashback~

You were walking around with Phi and Hearts cause you guys were bored when you suddenly got an idea. "Guys. I have an idea." You said excitedly. "Well what is it?" They asked in unison. "We should go to the forest, there's a flower patch that is very calming, we could stay there for awhile just to keep me from getting abused by my mom. But, there is a memory that keeps coming back to me from when I was younger. There was a white haired boy with gleaming crimson eyes. I don't remember his name though." You told them. "Well let's go then." Hearts said. You led them to the flower patch and layed down looking up at the moon. You closed your eyes and tried remembering the name of the boy you met when you were 7. The next day Phi and Hearts were busy so you were walking around on your own. You were pushed from behind and you fell hurting your hands and knees. You got up and they pushed you down again. They were suddenly stopped by a boy with white hair and crimson eyes. 'The boy from my memory!' You thought surprised. "Leave her alone!" He yelled. After they left he turned to you and held out a hand for you to take. You took it and he helped you up. "I'm Shu Kurenai. And you are?" He asked. "[Y/N] [L/N]. Nice to meet you again." You said hugging him. When you pulled away he looked confused. "Again? We haven't met before." He replied confused. "Remember when you were younger there was a girl with silver hair and [e/c] eyes getting bullied and you helped her?" You asked seeing if he would remember. "Yea. I remember her. Why?" He asked back still confused. "I was that girl that you helped." You said showing the same facial expression you did when you were younger. "[Y/N]? Is it really you?" He asked hugging you. "Yea it's me." You said. "How are you? How are your parents?" He asked. You looked down at the mention of your parents. "Hey, are you ok?" He asked worried. "Yea. Sorry. It's just a few days after we met my parents got a divorce and my mom abuses me more than she did before. I just want a normal family where I don't have to live in fear of being abused." You said starting to cry. "I'm sorry to hear that. I wish you didn't have to go through all that pain like you do." He said hugging you. You hugged him back slightly crying. He wrote something on a piece of paper and handed it to you. "Here's my number. You can text or call me anytime." He said walking away. "Addio." You whispered. You continued walking around not knowing that tears were still falling down your cheeks. As you were walking you saw Phi and Hearts coming towards you. When they saw you crying they ran towards you. "Are you ok?" They asked worried. "Yea I'm fine. Just trying to get over the fact that I wont have a normal family with parents that won't abuse me." You said hugging them tightly. They hugged you back in a comforting way. "I've got to go home sadly. Ciao fratelli." You said walking away. "Addio." They said back. You smiled as you walked home. When you got home you walked in and closed the door. Than you stood there waiting for something to be thrown at you or to be attacked or something. But nothing came. You walked around and saw two notes on the table. You read them and gasped.

Dear ms. [L/N],
We have been informed that you were being abused by your mother. So you're mother has been arrested for child abuse. We are allowing you to stay living in your home by yourself if you would like.
The Police

You picked up the second note and read it.

Dear [Y/N],
I informed the police that your mother was abusing you. I hope you don't mind. I want you to be safe. I'm going to come by at 6:30 for dinner if you don't mind. See you later.

You smiled. You were finally free from the abuse. You decided to call Phi and Hearts from excitement. "Hello?" Hearts answered. "Hearts I'm free." You said happily. "Free from what?" Phi asked confused. "Free from the abuse. Shu informed the police that my mom was abusing me and she got arrested for child abuse." You said smiling. "That's amazing. But question. Who's Shu?" They asked in unison. You laughed. "He's a friend I met. He's also the boy from my memory that I told you guys about." You said still laughing lightly. "You found him?" They asked. "Yea. He's coming over for dinner at 6:30. If you wanna meet him you can come over and join us for dinner. But get here at 6 please." You offered. "Ok. We'll be there at 6. We gotta go. Evel needs us. Addio." They said. "Ok. Tell Evel I say hi and he's invited for dinner if he wants to come as well. Addio." You replied. "He says hi as well and he'll come." They said hanging up. You smiled and ran to get ready for the 4 guests you're going to have. You looked at the clock and it was 5:45. You continued rushing to set everything up and didn't hear the door open. As you continued to run around and clean everything up you accidently ran into something or someone. You looked up and saw that you ran into Hearts. "Sorry. Just trying to clean up cause my mom couldn't manage that." You said. "I heard your finally free from the abuse." Evel said. You nodded. The 4 of you talked in your room until you heard a knock at the front door. "Stay here. I'll go and let Shu in." You told them. They nodded and continued talking in a low whisper. You walked downstairs and opened the door for Shu. "Hey. I've got 3 other friends over cause they're like my brothers and they wanted to meet you." You said smiling. "Ok. Where are they?" He asked in return. "Oh yea. They're upstairs in my room. You get comfortable and I'll go grab them." You answered going upstairs to get them. When you got to your room they were still talking in a whisper tone. "He's in the living room. Come on you guys." You said grabbing Phi and Hearts by the sleeve and dragging them while Evel walked behind you. "Shu. I would like you to meet Phi, Hearts, and Evel." You announced when you got to the living room. "Nice to meet you. [Y/N] can I talk to you alone please?" Shu asked. You nodded and led him to the kitchen. "What is it Shu?" You asked. You were curious and watched as he rubbed the back of his neck nervously. He suddenly leaned in and kissed you. You were surprised but eventually kissed back. "I love you [Y/N]." He whispered in your ear. "I love you too Shu." You whispered back. "Now to deal with my brothers." You said nervously. You walked out with Shu behind you. "Fratelli?" You asked getting there attention. "Si sorella?" They asked in return. "Shu e io siamo insieme." You told them. "Ah. Proteggila Shu." They said half-threateningly. "What did they say?" Shu asked confused. "They said to protect me." You answered turning to him. You turned back to the 3 boys with a slight glare. "Sai che posso proteggermi, giusto?" You asked them. "Sì. Siamo solo preoccupati per te. Sei nostra sorella, questo è il nostro lavoro." They replied giving you a sympathetic look. "Guarda ragazzi ti amo ma posso prendermi cura der me stesso." You said hugging them. "Anche noi ti adoriamo sorella" They whispered. You then turned to see a confused Shu. You laughed. "Sorry Shu. I forgot you don't know Italian. We were slightly arguing about how I can take care of myself." You explained calmly to him. He suddenly hugged you and you hugged back. "I love you [Y/N]." He whispered. "I love you too Shu." You whispered back.

Beyblade Burst x Reader [Soulmate AU] (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now