Ukyo Ibuki x Reader

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[A/N: Hope you enjoy. Please comment if there are any mistakes so I can fix them. Thank you.]

Word Count: 1160

[Your POV]

You were hanging out at Xander's dojo battling your best friend Quon. "[B/N] now!" You called. "Chase your prey Quetziko!" Quon called. [B/n] sped towards Quetziko and burst it. You picked up your bey but then dropped it cause your mark started to hurt. It was a picture of someone disappearing into the shadows. You winced and fell to your knees. "[Y/N]!" Quon called worried running towards you. "I'm fine. Just a vision." You said after the pain went away. "What did you see this time?" He asked. "Light blue hair and red sneakers disappearing into the shadows again." You said. "Ok. We'll find him." He said. You nodded and picked up your bey and walked outside to your favorite spot. It was a bench right in front of a small lake. Something felt off to you so you turned around and noticed light blue hair and red sneakers disappear behind a tree. You quietly snuck up and quietly climbed the tree and looked down to see the boy. Your arm started hurting again as you were so close to him. You eventually lost your grip and gasped in surprise. He seemed to notice and caught you. You noticed him flinch in pain before he passed out and you eventually passed out yourself from all the pain. When you woke up the pain was gone but your arm was glowing. You felt a hand in your own. You looked over and noticed that it was the boy's hand. "What's your name?" You asked. "I'm Ukyo Ibuki. And you are?" He asked. "[Y/N] [L/N]." You replied. "Nice to meet you finally." He said. "Yea. I've been having visions of your appearance but I never saw your face." You said gently putting a hand on his cheek. He reached up touched your hand with his. "Hey question how do you blend with the shadows so easily?" You asked curiously. "I'm a Shadow Walker. Which means I can walk through the shadows. I can teach you sometime if you want." He said smiling. "I'd like that. But right now I have to make sure Quon isn't doing anything to hurt himself like he usually does when I'm hurt." You said getting up and kissing his cheek. You ran out the door and ran straight into Xander. "Sorry Xander. Do you know where Quon is?" You asked urgently. "It's alright [Y/N]. He's either in his room, your room, or outside in a tree." He said. "Thanks." You said running towards Quon's room. It was empty. You ran to your room. Also empty. 'He's in the trees.' You thought groaning. You got up into the trees and didn't find him. When you got back to the dojo Ukyo had just walked in with him unconscious. "Quon!" You yelled. "Where'd you find him?!" You asked. "By the lake where we first met." Ukyo said. "Of course he was there. I should've known. But why is he unconscious?" You asked worried. "I may have scared him by coming out of the shadows and he hit his head on a near by tree." He said. "As long as he is ok. Then I'm happy cause he's like my brother." You said smiling. "You know what to do." Xander said walking in. 'I have to use my powers to help him. I have to perform soon.' You thought to yourself. "Not until he wakes up." You said dangerously. "You know the rules. You can't wait." He said back. "I don't care! Not until Quon wakes up!" You yelled angrily. "Come Ukyo give her a little time to settle down." He said pulling Ukyo out of the room. You started crying and you healed Quon as fast as you could. He started to wake up. "Quon?!" You asked excitedly. "[Y/N]? What's wrong?!" He asked worried. "Xander wanted me to start my performance without you there to watch." You said looking down. "Well dry those tears and lets go. You have to perform in 5 minutes." He said grabbing your hand and pulling you along. You laughed and caught a glimpse of Ukyo in the shadows. As you were running by him you grabbed his arm and pulled him along too. "Hey. Let me go." He said through laughs. "Nah. I'm good." You said laughing too. Once you all slowed to a stop you went and got ready while the boys went to their seats. You walked out and started singing.

You looked over at Quon and he mouthed 'Take Ukyo up with you.' You nodded and went down and grabbed Ukyo bringing him up with you. "Relax it's only one song." You whispered. He sighed and nodded.

After the song Ukyo sat back down and you brought Quon up with you this time laughing.

You looked at him and grinned. He sat back down and you sang another song by yourself.

You sighed cause you had two songs left. You started the next song with a sad smile.

You sighed as you sang the last song.

You walked off stage and went to your room and snuck out the window to go hide in the trees. "Found you." Came Ukyo's voice from behind you as he wrapped his arms around you. "Easy for you to say. You went through the shadows." You said leaning on him. "Shut up. You know I love you though. I was also worried about you." He said kissing your cheek. "Thanks. But I can take care of myself. And I love you too." You said kissing his cheek in return. You went back to leaning against him and watched the sunset. You were getting tired as you continued to watch the sunset. You fell asleep leaning on Ukyo and he was petting your hair. When you woke up you were in your room but something felt different. You were warm, usually when you woke up you were freezing cold. You also felt an arm around your waist. You turned your head and saw Ukyo's peaceful sleeping face. You smiled and slipped out of his grip and into the shower. When you got out you saw him still sleeping. You smiled and rolled your eyes. You walked to Quon's room to see him still asleep too. You walked into the training room and looked at the clock. "Oh it's only 5 in the morning. That's why everyone is still asleep." You whispered to yourself. You walked outside and watched the sunrise. "What are you doing out here so early?" Ukyo asked. "I woke up now watch it with me Shadow." You said pulling him into a hug and watching the sunrise. "Ok my White Light. I'll watch it with you." He said putting his head on yours as you rested your head on his shoulder.

Beyblade Burst x Reader [Soulmate AU] (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now