Cuza Ackerman x Reader

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[A/N: Hope you enjoy. All these story ideas are my own. None of the characters belong to me.]

Word Count: 1480

[Your POV]

Everyone was born with a mark somewhere on their face. Your's was a blue and purple heart on your lower left cheek. At the moment you were hanging out with your brother Clio. "Clio." You said while laying down on your bed which is near his. "Yes?" He asked turning to you sitting up. "I feel like I know my soulmate and I've met him but I don't know who he is." You said also turning to look at him sitting up. "I'm sure you've met him you just haven't realized it." He said coming over to you and hugging you. You hugged back and started crying. "Shhh. It's ok. Relax." He said soothing words in your ear. You relaxed as you continued to cry lightly. Soon you stopped crying and you were just leaning on Clio red-eyed. "That's right. You're ok. I've got you." He said continuing to hug you. "Thank you for being here Clio." You said looking up at him. "Of course. You're my sister. I'll be here for you whenever you need me." He said smiling at you. "Hey I have an idea. Why don't we go to find Cuza and hang out with him?" He suggested. "I would love that." You said smiling. He started singing and you joined him your voices soft and gentle.

"I love you Clio." You said. "I love you too [Y/N]." He said back smiling. You layed back down and fell asleep thinking about what it'll be like to see Cuza again. When you woke up you got in the shower and then got out and got ready for the day. You put your white hair up into a high ponytail and basically dressed like your brother. You had diamonds over your left eye. While Clio's were red yours were a mix between blue and purple. "You ready [Y/N]?" Came Clio's voice through the door. You opened it and smiled. "Yea. Let's go find Cuza." You said excitedly. You pulled him towards the door when he suddenly stopped. "What is it Clio?" You asked. "I know exactly where they are." He said smirking. "Don't tell me you gave them a nightmare." You said with a sad face. "Sorry sis. It was the only way to find them." He said giving you an apologetic look. "Fine. As long as you found them. So where are they?" You asked. "They're at BC Sol." He said smiling. You smiled and continued out the door. Since you lived in Spain you just had to go to BC Sol's forest. You walked around in the forest excited to meet Cuza again. You saw Cuza and another boy with him talking a few feet away. You pulled Clio into the shadows so you couldn't be seen. "What was that for?" He asked. "Shut up. He's right over there." You said pointing to the two boys. "That's his friend from the nightmare I sent them." Clio said. "I have an idea. Climb the tree and we can hang upside down and scare them." You said bouncing on the balls of your feet. "Ok ok. Calm down and start climbing." He said. The two of you started climbing the trees and headed over to them. You slowly let yourselves down. "Hey Cuza." You said making him jump. You giggled as he turned around face pale. "Hey [Y/N]. Hey Clio. Long time no see." He said nervously. You got up and sat on the branch looking down at him. You noticed the blue and purple heart on his lower left cheek. You smiled to yourself and looked at Clio nodding. "So how have you been Cuza?" You asked jumping out of the tree and landing in front of him. "I've been good. What about you guys?" He asked relaxing as he noticed your mark as well. "We've been better. But we've missed seeing you Cuza. And my brother is going to apologize for giving you the nightmare last night. But it was our only way of finding you again." You said elbowing Clio to apologize. "Yea. I'm sorry for giving you guys such a scare last night with the nightmare. But as my sister pointed out it was our only way of finding you guys." He said smiling gently. "It's ok. We're still a little shaken but we'll get over it. But for now why don't you guys come and visit BC Sol and talk to Kris?" Cuza asked offering his hand to you like he did when you were kids. "Sure why not. Lead the way Acrobatic Boy." You said taking his hand and teasing him with the childhood nickname. He led you and Clio to Kris's office. He knocked lightly. "Come in." Came a voice from the other side of the door. Cuza opened the door and led you inside. You saw Kris and Trad and got nervous and hid behind Cuza. "It's ok. They won't hurt you. Promise." He said gently. "Cuza, Valt. Who might these two be?" She asked. "These are my childhood friends Clio and [Y/N] Delon. And [Y/N] is also my soulmate. I found that out 20 minutes ago." He said. "Nice to meet you. I'm Kris and this is Trad. This is BC Sol. If you want a spot on the team you're going to have to battle Free." She said. "Free? As in Free de la Hoya?" You asked amazed. "Yup. You know him?" Kris asked. "Actually yea I do. He stayed over a lot with Clio and I when we were younger. I wonder if he remembers us." You said turning to Clio. "Well when do we battle him?" Clio asked. "In a few hours. Cuza take them to get some food will you?" Kris asked him politely. "Of course. Follow me." Cuza said taking your hand while Valt took Clio's hand and brought us to the cafeteria. There were other bladers there and it was to much for you. You got nervous to the point where tears were falling down your cheeks. Cuza turned and noticed and hugged you. You hugged him back and you noticed people look at you a little scared cause they saw your fangs. You didn't care as you cried. Clio noticed and hugged you too. "Shh. You're ok. We'll go somewhere else if this is to much for you." Cuza said looking at you worried. "No. I'll be fine. Let's just get the food." You said still holding onto Cuza. "If you're sure." He said getting the food for you. You sat down at a table that wasn't near the crowd of people. "Thanks for getting the food Cuza." You said smiling up at him. "Of course." He said smiling back. You continued to eat and talk for the next few hours. "Can all bladers report to the training room. We have two new recruits." Kris said over the intercom. "Guess that's our que to go." You said laughing slightly. Cuza and Valt led you to the training room where there were stadiums set up. Everyone was crowded around a single one waiting for us to arrive. "Everyone I would like you to meet [Y/N] and Clio Delon. They're the new recruits." Kris said. You looked at Free and smiled. He smiled back. "Which of you is going first?" Trad asked. You pushed Clio forward and he sighed figuring that you would do that. You watched Clio's battle against Free and was amazed at how well they went against each other. You eventually tore your eyes away from the battle and over to Cuza. "Fafnir wins by a score of 2-0." Trad said. "Good job Clio. You lasted 15 minutes against Free." You whispered to him. "You're turn." He whispered back. You walked up and got into your position. "Nice seeing you again [Y/N/N]." Free said. "Nice seeing you again too Deerboy." You said laughing. Then you launched and the battle began. After 20 minutes of battling each other Fafnir eventually burst [B/N]. You looked down and sighed. "Fafnir wins by a score of 2-0." Trad said. "Good job [Y/N]. You lasted 20 minutes against Free. [Y/N], Clio. You may not have won but you've lasted longer against Free than anyone else. Welcome to the team." Kris said smiling. You smiled and walked out to the forest and sat in a tree and started singing.

"You still have the voice of an angel just like when we were kids." Cuza's voice came from behind you. You jumped and turned to face him. "I love you Vampire Girl." He said kissing you lightly. "I love you too Acrobatic Boy." You said kissing him back deeper than before.

Beyblade Burst x Reader [Soulmate AU] (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now