Boa Alcazaba x Reader

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[A/N: Hope you enjoy. This is after Boa decides to leave the Snake Pit. You met him on the streets in Beigoma. You have heterochromia.]

Word Count: 1311

[Your POV]

Everyone was born with the name of their soulmate on it. You were anxious to meet yours. Your wrist said 'Boa Alcazaba'. You were walking around the town singing.

"Hey. You have a really nice voice." Came a voice from behind you. You jumped and turned around to be met with a boy about your age look at you. "Th-Thank you. What's your name?" You asked. "Boa Alcazaba. And you are?" He asked. "[Y/N] Kurenai." You said smiling holding out the hand with the name on it as he did the same. As soon as your hands touched they glowed and then pain shot up your arm. You both winced at the pain. "You wanna come to my house? I'm sure my brother wouldn't mind." You asked him. "Sure. I'd like that a lot." He said smiling. You held out a hand for him. He took it and you walked in a comfortable silence to your house. When you walked in the aroma of food hit you and you smiled. "Shu I'm home!" You called. "I'm in the kitchen." You heard him call back. "Come on Boa. Meet my brother." You said motioning for him to follow you. "Hey Snowflake." You said smiling. He turned to you and smiled. "Hey Flower." He said back. Then he noticed Boa. He frowned. "Flower? Who is he?" He asked. "Snowflake. I would like you to meet Boa Alcazaba. My soulmate." You said looking at Boa smiling. He gave you a nervous smile and you looked back at Shu. "Oh. Nice to meet you Boa. Take care of my sister. And would you like to join us for dinner?" Shu asked. "I'd love to. Thank you." Boa said smiling with a small laugh. You walked away as the two boys talked about blading. You went to your balcony and sat there and started singing.

[Boa's POV]

"She's amazing." I said. "Yea. She used to perform in front of people before our parents started abusing her. After they left her with me she stopped performing in fear of being hurt. But she still has an amazing voice." Shu said looking at her sadly. "Really? Why'd they abuse her?" I asked curious. "They didn't like that she got so much attention. They thought she was a freak because she has heterochromia. They thought that because she had it she wasn't worth anything." He explained. "She has heterochromia? But when I saw her eyes they were both red?" I asked confused. "Well one of her eyes is red. The other one is silver. She also has a fear of people finding out and then hurting her. She's very self-consious." He explained sadly. "Well have you tried making her perform again?" I asked. "Once. It didn't end well." He said. "What if I try? She might listen to me." I suggested. "It's worth a shot. If she agrees than she's going to make you perform with her." He warned. Then she started singing another song.

We looked at her in surprise. I got an idea. After she finished that song I put my plan in action. I walked up behind her and started singing.

She gasped in surprise and sang along. Shu eventually joined us and the three of us sang 'Demons' until the food was done.

[Your POV]

"Thanks for the food Shu." You said smiling at your brother. "Your welcome [Y/N]. How'd you like it Boa?" He asked. "It's amazing. You're an amazing cook Shu." Boa said smiling in satisfaction. Shu laughed lightly. "Thank you. Now why don't we head to bed? We have school tomorrow." Shu said getting up and taking the plates. "I'll show you to the guest room Boa. While Shu takes care of dinner." You said leading Boa up the stairs. "This is the guest bedroom. My room is on the left and Shu's room is on the right. If you need us you can come to either of us. We can help." You said smiling. "Before we go to bed can I talk to you about something?" He asked. "Yea. What is it?" You asked walking into your room and sitting on your bed. "Well Shu told me about your heterochromia. And I was wondering if I could see your other eye?" He asked shyly. You took a breathe and took out your contact and showed him your silver eye. "It's beautiful." He said smiling. "Thank you. But it hides a truth. Shu doesn't even know." You said looking down. "What does it hide?" Shu asked from the door. You gasped and turned towards him. You motioned for him to come in and he came and sat next to you. "It hides powers." You said looking down whispering the end. "What powers do you have?" They asked. "Well my eye is silver so I have ice powers." You explained. "That's amazing. But I have something else to ask you too." Boa said turning to you. "What is it Boa?" You asked curiously. "How would you feel if you were to perform again?" He asked. "I don't know." You responded. "Well if you choose to I'll perform with you and I'm sure Shu wouldn't mind performing sometimes too." Boa said trying to convince you. You sighed and nodded. "Sure. I'll try performing again." You said looking at him. "Only because you said you would perform with me." You said leaning on him smiling. "Well I just thought that people would want to hear your voice again." He said wrapping his arms around you. You smiled up at him and he kissed your forehead. You yawned and fell asleep soon after. "Night [Y/N]. Night Boa." You heard Shu say. "Night Shu. Night [Y/N]." Boa said. "Night boys." You said your voice light from being tired. You finally fell asleep but you got a nightmare. You woke up suddenly and sat up. You realized that you were still in Boa's arms and quickly got out of his arms and ran to the other side of the room. You huddled into a ball and stayed in the corner crying. You tried to keep your sobs quiet but you couldn't. You saw Boa get up and come over to you. "[Y/N]?" He asked tiredly walking over to you. "N-no B-Boa. Please. Stay away. I don't want to hurt you." You plead crying. He was shocked to hear you say that. "You won't hurt me." He said in a calming voice. "H-How do you know?" You stuttered. "Cause I believe in you. I believe that you wouldn't hurt me." He said slowly making his way over and hugging you. You hugged back and cried. "What was your nightmare about?" He asked softly. "My powers lashed out and I hit you and Shu and laughed about it after you two froze to death." You said crying. "We are still here. How about we go down and make some hot chocolate and relax?" He suggested. You nodded and grabbed a blanket from your bed and wrapped it around the two of you. You made it downstairs without waking Shu and walked into the kitchen. You got out the stuff and watched as Boa made the hot chocolate for you. "Thank you Boa." You said smiling at him resting your head on his shoulder. "Your welcome [Y/N]. Just so you know. I love you and I won't leave you." He said turning towards you. "I love you too Boa." You said kissing him lightly. He kissed back and smiled. The two of you just cuddled the rest of the night after you both finished your hot chocolate.

Beyblade Burst x Reader [Soulmate AU] (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now