"Nah! I like this look. It makes be look like I've just been raped," she said nonchalantly.

"Raped...?" Chris asked slowly. "What the hell? Why would you like that?"

"Because I may or may not have ripped my rapist's balls off."

Chris just shook his head. "Yeah, okay, never mind."

"Wait!" She screeched. She raced into the kitchen before coming back out with ketchup all over her.

"Now I look like I ripped a rapist's balls off." She smiled proudly.

"You're not laying on the couch like that, Kailee!" John said sternly.

"Fine! I'll go take a shower! Save me a controller!" Kailee laughed and headed up the stairs.

"So, who is she? Where did she come from?" Chris asked once she was out of sight.

"Nick found her on the streets, and we took her in," John stated, but somethings in his voice told Chris that John was lying about something.

Chris could always tell when John lied. Nick was bad at it anyway, so anyone can tell if he lied.

John never lied unless it was something very private. He was going to let it slide, and maybe get Kailee to talk. Maybe Nick if he was lucky.

Kailee came back downstairs, now showered and with clean clothes on. "There, happy?" Kailee motioned to herself.

"Very," John said and turned around to put food on the table. Chris looked and saw Kailee mouth 'very' with a mocking face. He stifled a laugh.

"Breakfast is served!" John annouced.

They all piled into the kitchen and sat down. There was biscuits and gravy, sausage, bacon, eggs, and waffles.

Kailee grabbed a whole bunch of food. She grabbed five pieces of bacon, six sausage patties, two waffles, two eggs, and poured a glass full of water.

She ate her whole plate. "Well, I'm stuffed." Kailee jumped out of her chair and patted her stomach.

"Can I go for a run?" Chris asked as he glanced at John.

"Sure." John nodded. "Just don't go too far."

"Got it," Chris agreed and headed out the door. He didn't think twice before stepping into the trees and jogging away.


Kailee watched Chris head into the woods with trepidation. "John! Chris just went into the woods!" She screamed.

"Go get him!" John yelled.

'What if the vampires get him?' She thought as she ran farther into the woods. 'How far could he have gotten?'

She climbed a tree to get a better view of her surroundings. Leaping from branch to branch, she tried to spot Chris.

Suddenly, Kailes caught sight of him up ahead and started to leap faster above him. Finally, Kailee managed to get right above him and watched.

Kailee didn't miss the view of a blur shooting behind Chris. 'Shoot!'


Chris saw a black blur pass in front of him and stopped. He looked around slowly.

He felt a gust of wind pass behind him, like someone had ran behind him. Chris turned around to find no one.

Just then, he was slammed against a tree. Chris blinked, looking to find a very pale looking man in his thirties. He had black hair that hung over his face, covering one eye. His one eye that he could see was a bright blood red.

'That's not normal,' Chris thought with fear. The male wore all black, probably to blend in. "A snack? This is perfect!" He smiled evilly at Chris, and he could see sharp teeth pop out of his mouth.

'A vampire! But those aren't real!' Chris thought.

"Ever seen a vampire before?" He asked him. Chris shook his head in negative as the vampire smirked. "Ever gotten bitten by one?"

Chris quickly shook his head again. He leaned closed to Chris.

"And that won't ever happen," Chris heard a familiar female voice call out.

The vampire looked up and so did Chris. To his disbelief, he saw Kailee in a tall tree, crouching on one of its branches. She jumped down and landed on the vampire. Surprisingly, it didn't seem to have injured her at all.

"Run! Go tell John and Nick to stay inside the house," she told him.

Chris turned and ran towards the house but not before looking back to see Kailee punching the vampire, sending it flying into a tree.


Chris barged through the door. "Stay inside the house Kailee says!"

"Were you attacked?!" Nick asked.

"Yeah! How did you know?" Chris asked his cousin suspiciously.

Nick ignored that. "Dad!" He yelled, but his father was already down the stairs.

"I heard." John nodded in confirmation.

Seconds later, Kailee came stumbling through the door. She was covered in blood and had leaves in her hair, along with dirt on her clothes.

Chris's eyes widened. She had a large stab wound on her arm, bleeding horrendously. "Hey! Now I actually do look like I ripped a guy's balls off!" She laughed lightly before collapsing onto the floor.

Bye my doggies!

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