"That's a bit long yes... you know... I don't have a name! Why don't you think of one for me? But after you finish your poem."

Nagisa kept a straight face as he stood up. Taking his knife, he hid it behind the piece of paper.

"Ah, done already, Nagisa?"

No one noticed Teresaka's smirk, or the thoughtful expression on Nagisa's face, or the hidden weapon.

Nagisa was a professional- even though no one knew this- he wouldn't fail now. Close enough, Nagisa pulled out his weapon, slicing forward.

As anticipated, the octopus caught his arm. "I told you already, you need to come up with a better..." The octopus's words slowed when Nagisa fell forward. "Plan..."

Teresaka pressed the button as a loud explosion surrounded the two, BB pellets being fired in every direction.

"Yeah! We did it! That 10 billion is mine!" The three boys jumped out of their seats and ran forward.

"I bet he wasn't expecting that," Teresaka shouted in pride.

"Hey Teresaka! What did you give Nagisa!" Kayano jumped up, outraged by the turn of events.

"Huh? A toy grenade, stuffed with gunpowder and those special BB's. Made quite a mess. Don't worry it's just a little explosion... I'll cover Nagisa's medical bills with my 10 billion."

It was only at that moment that did Teresaka realise that Nagisa was completely unharmed. He lay, untouched under a thin layer of... something.

"Actually, I shed my skin once a month or so. I covered the bomb with it to absorb the explosion. I don't like having to do that," the octopus explained, hanging from the ceiling.

He wasn't a colour they had seen before but even the some idiotic ones knew what it meant. He was pitch black. He was furious.

"Teresaka! Yoshida! Muramatsu! You came up with this plan didn't you?!"

"N-No! It was Nagisa," Teresaka tried to bluff but failed miserably.

The octopus left running all across the town before returning through the door and dropping a series of plates on the floor. "I made a deal... I promised I would never harm any of you, but if you try to assassinate me like that again, let me remind you that everyone else is fair game! Your family... Your friends.... maybe the whole world... expect you."

It was at that moment this class realised that they would have to do this properly. No shortcuts.

"Wh-what are you! You're a nasty creature," Teresaka shouted in panic.

"You disintegrate the moon and tell us you're going to blow up the earth, why shouldn't we use nasty methods to kill a nasty creature!"

"Nasty? I thought your idea was wonderful, brilliant. Especially your contribution, Nagisa," gently, the octopus petted Nagisa's head. "I give you ten out of ten smooth and natural movements up until you grabbed me. I was totally caught off-guard. However! The rest of you didn't even consider Nagisa's safety and Nagisa let you take advantage of him! You're better than that, all of you! I want you to assassinate me with a method that brings a smile to your face, one that you can be proud of. You're more than capable of that. Just take a few words of advice from your target."

"Well then, I have a question for you, Nagisa. I have no intention of getting killed. I'll enjoy teaching you until the end of the school year and then I'll destroy the world. So what do you need to do to prevent that from happening?"

Nagisa had to stop the smirk from coming to his face and replaced it with an innocent smile. "i'll kill you before I let that happen."

"Then let's see you kill me right now. I'll let you go home early if you do."

"A teacher who can't be killed," Kayano muttered to herself as the octopus sat down to polish the plates. "'Sensei' means teacher... 'Koro-senai' means 'can't be killed.' How about if we call you, 'Koro-sensei?' It's a pun!"

What a weird target?

Nagisa walked up the mountain to the familiar snipe point, climbing the tree to sit in the treehouse. "You missed," he said simply.

"You blew yourself up." Zen gave a cheeky smile to Nagisa, placing his gun and polish down.

Nagisa let out a laugh, placing down his chest guard before sitting beside his friend. "I had it under control, you don't have an excuse."

"How about he moves faster than the speed of sound?"

Nagisa let out a happy laugh, a rare thing. He laid his head down on his friend's lap. "Next time we'll get him."

"Yeah, Vi, next time."

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