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A beam of sunlight radiates through the only open window of the tavern, bringing a yellow hue halfway through the place, the corners remaining dim.

The tavern is as quiet as ever, having to be located deep within the woods.

It's empty, mostly. Not counting the birds and white mice, the only person who stands there is a young woman behind the counter. She goes by the name, Narra Stockholm.

The girl wears a signature tavern uniform. A white  dress with a brown apron. Her mahogany hair in a long, neat braid. The appearance she gives off, almost definitely announces ‘mature’.

Narra's hands rotate around the teacup as she wipes it with a white, clean fabric. Her look remaines monotonous.

Maybe I should clear some storage…’  Narra thinks, an image of a messy compartment in her mind.

Just as she returns the teacup into its place, the doorbell chimes, signaling a customer's arrival.

‘…or maybe not.’

A fellow strolls in. Little twigs and leaves decorate his messy yet short white hair, making it seem like he crawled through a couple of bushes to get here.

He is indeed a bit shorter than her. Judging by his clothing and the sword on his hip, it's fair to assume he's an adventurer. His blue eyes explore around the tavern.

“Pretty hot out tonight, huh?”  Narra asks, gaining the attention of the boy.

“Hm? Oh, yeah…” After one more minute of eyeing the place, the lad shuffles over to take a seat.

“What can I get for you?”

“Uhm, something that calms the nerves, I guess.”

“Alright then.”

Narra turns to her brewing counter, boiling up a small pot of water. She begins to inspect the different kinds of herbs, leaves, flowers, and berries that she can use for this man's drink.

When she finally decides the components, the young maiden swoops them up to her hand, before dropping them into the pot.

After a few minutes, she puts on the nearest mittens she can find before pouring him a portion on a porcelain cup.

“Take a sip.” She offers, a gentle smile on her face as she takes off her gloves.

The young traveler hesitates before doing as told. The hot beverage runs down his throat, almost clensing it. A flavor of citrus and sweetness linger. It tastes quite nice, and it sure does make him feel better.

For a little while, silence once again incorporates the room. It certainly isn't a bad kind of silence, considering this Tavern has a strangely warm feeling to it; so does the tea.

It feels like home, although it isn't. It feels like a dream, although it isn't. It's calm and peaceful. The mysterious Tavern in the woods provides shelter; living up to its rumors.

The boy's lips curve upwards.

“How is it?”

“It's nice. Thank you.”

Narra merely smiles warmer – if that was even possible. The boy's eyes widen ever so slightly. Even the woman running this place carries a warm aura.

He swallows down, feeling the urge to confirm his suspicions. The paper he saw on the way here… The traveler speaks up, only to swap to a different topic out in cowardly manner.

“I… Is it true that this Tavern only serves tea?” He decides to switch to a different, less straightforward question.

Narra seems to freeze at this question. The maiden turns to the adventurer, a frightening tone leaves her mouth as she utters.

Tavern of WitchitaTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang