7 | Confrontation

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Within every climbing step it echoes softly through the dungeon. Narra carries the skirt of her dress to avoid tripping and injuring herself. It's much dangerous climbing upwards than going downwards. Time is running and Narra knows she can't stay here with the queen forever.

After hanging a few more torches around the queen's cell, Narra continued along with her plan. A plan not so well-forged, but good enough to rely on. Hopefully, the former-queen will be fie in prison. It's worrying though.

“I probably won't last very long.”

Her eyes narrow and her lips form into a grimace. The more understanding she has, the more she realizes the unfortune of this household. To think Horns and his brothers live like this...

Reaching up to the wooden plank that blocked the exit, she hauls the board aside, grunting in weariness.

As light shines through the dungeon entrance, she hears a few squeaks – not from mice or bats, but instead from servants in the kitchen. Narra's head peeks out the hole and she halts. There are at least 8 maids in the kitchen, most frightened like little children and others trying to act brave.

They appear concerned that this ‘human’ is coming out of the dungeon. The girls feel inclined to tell the king but unfortunately, almost every servant in this household is afraid of punishment.

Narra pays them no mind and pulls herself off the dark crevice. It would be better if they place a ladder down there.

She closes the hole and makes eye contact with the maids. Quite a loss. Such lovely ladies following orders from a crude king.

Narra's eyes trail outside the kitchen, to the wide pristine windows that showcased the forever gray sky of Lucérr, and catching the gaze of many skeptical passerbys in the process. It's morning, most likely. The large number of people around could only mean so.

“Ma'am!” A scullery maid calls out, eyebrows knit yet twitching in hesitance.

Narra turns to blankly face the girl. Just then, Narra notices that she herself is still sitting down on the kitchen floor.

“Oh, my apologies.” She blankly utters, sounding more hollow than sincere.

The witch stands up, patting off the bits of dust and dirt that got on her dress as she faces the scared girls.

The kitchen smells nice. Pots are steaming and pans are sizzling with meat, herbs, and oil. Narra has cooked before but never in her life has she smelled such an aromatic kitchen. These girls aren't so bad after all.

She's been here for too long.
“I'll be off now. ” Narra bids her farewell as she leaves the kitchen and the dumbfounded maids.

Shoes clanking along with the dozen other passerby's, Narra's eyebrows knit as she tries to collect her thoughts. What's next again? Uhm…

“Sorry, can you repeat that?” Norman asked her, bewildered, and unable to comprehend the amount of information Narra recently dumps on him.

Clearing her throat, Narra decides to try and explain in a more apparent manner.

“The Zelious household is holding secrets within their problems. I asked Horns and he got upset. I asked the king and we had a bit of bickering but then he told me the location and I was able to go to the dungeon where the former queen lies. Now I need to explain it to you otherwise it would be wrong to leave you out.”

Norman chuckles awkwardly.

“I've been a bit left out since we got here, to be honest.” He points out and Narra lowers her head in an apologetic bow.

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