16 | Disagreements

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Cicada sounds echo within the barren yet welcoming forest. The night is no longer clouded and stars are free to be seen by the naked eye. Narra gazes over them within waiting for her companion to arrive.

Similar to Dhara, she is rather fond of the forest. It's a nice place.

A twig snaps and Narra turns to the source of the sound.

“The maiden called?” Horns peeks from a nearby tree, the usual smirk on his face.

Narra snickers at his antics. She places both her hands to her back and walks around like a fair lady, playing along with Horns' chosen speech.

“Certainly so, the maiden did call.”

Horns strides away from the tree and towards Narra, presenting his hand in princely charm.

“What can I do for you? Or do you perhaps just want to see my lovely face?”

“I can go see you anytime. We're resting in the same  inn.” Narra retorts playfully, halting the roleplay and receiving a shrug from Horns.

Without the two's knowledge, a very subtle pink already shades their cheeks.

With her usual tavern uniform on and hair loose, it's quite cold.

The cool temperature of the forest makes the situation more comfortable.

This place reminds them of the time with the soldiers. It's still a forest and it's not likely for the soldiers to go hunting for her again a mere day later. Even troops need a proper plan for that.

Therefore, the two feel fairly safe around this place and time of night.

Horns walks over to a familiar wide log. He sits himself down and pats the empty space beside him in an way of asking Narra to sit along. And so she does.

The two sit in comfortable silence, small smiles on their faces as their bodies stay in a two-meter distance. Even as Narra quite enjoys the moment, time doesn't freeze and she has to say what she called him for.

“I'm planning to go confront the king,” She utters with no emotion, her half-smiling face contradicting the complicated feelings she holds within.

Horns' smile disappears. A sense of disappointment dwells within him, but he shouldn't feel that way.

With no restraint, Narra continues.
“And I want to go alone.”

Horns' eyes narrow, his head lowers to the ground as the demon falls into thought. Narra expected his reaction. After all, it's only natural for him to feel upset or surprised after what she just said.

She knows that what she's planning to do is by no means a good decision but she feels the need to. That's what she came all the way here for.

Clasping his hands together as he thinks, Horns speaks up to the girl.

“That's dangerous, you know? Chrono's monarchy is worse than my kingdom's. I'm sure you know what might happen to you if you do that, ” He points out what Narra already knows. Still, she continues on pushing, her smile now gone.

“I'm going anyway. I need to know…” She trails off, desperation lacing her tone as her eyebrows knit.

“What you're about to do is stupid.” He insists.

Narra merely frowns, lowering her head as she accepts his words. She has to do it though. She needs to.

The demon prince's coal eyes trail over to Narra's mood and state. In truth, he has known her for a while but knows nothing of her drive and past. She's always there for him and that's one of the reasons he loves her, but he…

“Is it personal?”

Those three words surprise Narra. Her head darts back to Horns, who looks at her in a pained expression yet forced poker expression.

He's trying to understand her.

Narra returns her gaze to the ground and mumbles.


It doesn't take long for Horns to think of a conclusion. He stands up and stuffs his hands in his pockets, gaining Narra's attention. With no eye contact, Horns says to the witch.

“Then go ahead.”

Her eyes widen as she faces Horns back.

“I'm not very gentlemanly like Caiden or Norman and I'm not good with words either. I have no right to stop you, but I'm sure I have the right to be pissed,” He grimaces, earning an apologetic look from the girl. He's right though.

With eyes trailing up to the dim sea of stars, Horns looks at it with a sense of sadness, disappointment, and anger.

“I like you a lot, Narra. I've known you for…what? A year and a half being a customer in your tavern? I finally get to learn more about you and honestly I don't want you dying by the hands of that snake of a monarch.” His words of honesty bring a sense of warmth to Narra. She bites her lip.

“But you're going anyway, so…” His words trail off and Horns turns his back from her.

After a second or two, his legs begin to move away from her. His mouth opens to speak.

“Good riddance, ”

Narra stands up forcefully, a wave of strong emotions overflowing as she stares at him walking away. Her eyebrows tie down, she grits her teeth and she snaps.

“What the hell is wrong with you?!”

Horns flinches but continues on. Narra barks and barks relentlessly, upset, surprised, and overwhelmed.

“I'm trying to relay the information gently...”

From the other side, Horns grits his teeth in frustration. Both are overwhelmed by the situation. Who's fault is it exactly? Is it his…? Does he really have to be like that? He grumbles incoherence to himself and his head.

When frustration builds up and Narra thinks that she might explode - she takes a deep breath. The girl wants to shout, have a tantrum, stomp her shoes on the ground like a toddler. She feels the need to yell incoherence at the fleeting Horns, but she doesn't want to say words she doesn't mean.

Her anger dissolves into calm as he is no longer in her sight. For the first time in her life, she tastes the bitterness of her emotions and the heavy feeling within her chest.

One second passes and another second passes. Guilt is eating her and pestering the young witch. A fire burns in her mind and throat as remorse hits her like a sledgehammer. 

Before she knows it, her vision is blurry and she feels trails of water fall down her face. Her fists ball and her head lowers to the ground. Hiccups emerge from her throat, and without the chance to react, a sharp and heavy pain gathers on behind her head.

Not because of crying, but that something else. That was actual force.

Her head throbs and she looses control of her surroundings.

Black fills her view.

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