14 | New Mistress

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The clanking of metal boots fills their ears as a couple of dozen human soldiers surround the Witch and Demon. The two huddle, their backs touching.

With their current position, they have nowhere to run.

Narra's eyebrows knit as she tries to think of an easy way out of this mess. She can't make all of the soldiers asleep at once, they're too many of them. She can't teleport them to safety either, only a third ranked witch could do that and she is only an second.

"Where the hell is Norman?!" Horns grumbles, his fists ball up in preparation to fight.

The soldiers are all in a ready battle stance but none are attacking. It confused the two, still, it's better to stay on guard.

Narra's eyes stay fix on their opponent, her gaze shaping into a death glare. She knew why they were here. They found out so quickly. Another witch hunt? Well, she's the only one left, to say the least.

From the corner of her eye, she sees Horns. His teeth grind against each other, his eyes glare ahead.

A man steps forward, gaining both their attention. Based on his attitude and attire, he seems to be the general here.

"Narra Stockholm, " The general calls out.

At the call of her name, Horns' hand sweeps in front of the witch protectively. Narra stands unbaffled, her face still monotone as she lowers her demon companion's hand.

"...We have come for you-"

"Yeah, no shit Sherlock." The duo growled in unison, cutting off the man's sentence.

"We will refrain from attacking if you would so kindly hand yourself over-"

"Get lost numbskull-"

"Will you please let me finish!" The man snapped.

Narra's gaze softens and moves its aim to Horns, causing him to scoff at her nagging. Her eyes trail back to the general.

"Why am I wanted?"

"Reasons won't be revealed until you safely accompany us back."

"What?" Horns snarls and Narra pulls him back, her gaze at the general not faltering.

"You expect someone to comply with that kind of explanation?"

"Ma'am, even so, I assume you already know the reason why."

Narra's lips tug into a smirk, her head tilting sideways ever so slightly. If they plan to do this the hard way, then so be it. Why would they even think she would surrender to blatantly?

"I'm sorry good sir but I have a business to tend for. I cannot just simply leave."

The man lowers his head, eyes closing as his fingers wrap around the handle of his sword.

"Very well..."

The two tens up as soon as the blade is pulled out, the remaining soldiers mimicking the general's actions.


In a beat, the army rushes towards the two. Both panic as a sudden rush of adrenaline soars through their body.

A soldier swings his blade towards the demon prince. Horns quickly avoids the attack, gripping his opponent's arm before forcefully crashing him to the dirt as he lets out a cry in anguish.

Narra presses her hands together in a form of a prayer. A black glow begins to emit from her body as she mumbles a phrase under her breath. On her cue, a flock of crows flies in screeching as their talons land on the soldiers. There is no way they're going to lose against these bastards.

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