15 | Letter

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The bright rays of the sun gleam and leak through the wooden walls of Caiden's lodge. Four people sit idly by a timber table in the middle of the room; those people being a witch, two male humans, and a demon. Comfortable silence wraps them.

Norman's arms litter with bandages as he fidgets underneath the table. Horns crosses his arms, patting his feet as he waits. The blonde male leans his head on his arm and looks out the window. And Narra looks down in silence.


A bell chimes, gaining everyone's attention and startling Narra.

“Sorry for the wait, ” Dhara says, carrying a metal tray of food in her right hand.

For a second there, Narra became reminiscent of her tavern. Horns grins while Norman and Caiden smile at the food.

“Took you long enough, ” Horns teases the female redhead, who merely dismisses his filthy deeds done dirt cheap.

“Shut up demon boy, appreciate my cooking.”

She sets down the tray and everyone is served a decent platter of food. Eggs, ham, and a pile of fried potatoes. A glass of water is set down for each person.

Narra's mouth shapes into an ‘o’, surprised by the food and the cook herself. It looks delicious.

“Thank you for the food~” Caiden chimes and Dhara rolls her eyes, taking a seat by the middle of the table.

At that mere phrase, the team begins to eat. Horns chowing down less mannerly as he struggles to bite a piece of ham off. If he can open his mouth any wider, he might even eat so much in one bite.

The others ate more courteously, except Narra who blankly stares at the food in front of her. Dhara tilts her head.

“Are you not hungry, Narra? That's impossible because I'm sure you had nothing for dinner. So come on, eat up.” She demands, waving her hand as if to say ‘go on’.

The others chuckle at the girl's antics. Narra smiles.

“Sorry for leaving you two behind last night. ” Norman apologizes, a smile of guilt on his face.

“It's alright, loosen up a bit and enjoy the food, will you?” Horns asserts, eating the fried potatoes a bit too quickly for a normal pace.

Narra picks up her fork, fiddling with the fried potatoes on her platter. Concern riddles her face, and she speaks.

“The creatures yesterday...” She brings up, unsure.

Horns spares her a worried glance, mouth still filled with food as he chews. Norman's eyes widen ever so slightly, confused with the situation at hand.

It happened all too suddenly that Narra's still confused as to what she saw and what exactly happened. Magic creatures; the creatures that hide, afraid of humans, and are rarely seen ever were right there before her very eyes.

Dhara closes her eyes as she chomps the ham on her fork. “Oh yeah, weird, huh?” She utters with her mouth full.

Narra's eyes went round at the hunter's bewildering words. “Why aren't you guys surprised?”

“Haha! Oh, we know!” Dhara blatanly says, pointing her metal spoon at the confused witch.

“I caught up long ago. The mice, crows, and how you serve your customers made it a bit obvious.” Dhara continues.

With a confused look, she turns to face the two male humans; Caiden and Norman. Caiden merely replies with a closed-eye-smile.

“Witches aren't bad, ” He says.

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