4 | The Demon Monarchy

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A group of demons on horses stand face to face with Narra, Norman, and Horns. The demons – Horns included, all look upset. Narra is too, she's upset that they specifically plan to go to the capital, not to get in trouble with some random demons. Especially when history states that the two races aren't on good terms.

The men don't look like they'll be leaving anytime soon.

Most likely these guys are sent by royal orders, judging by their lavish yet traditional clothing. And if they are from royalty, the only person they can be after would be…

Turning over to Horns, Narra slowly grabs his shoulder, jerking him back to face the others and the situation they're in. Narra acts as if that's a subtle movement, ignoring the grunt of annoyance her friend releases.

She lowers her hood and faces the demons in horses along with a concerned Norman and an irritated Horns.

“Gentlemen, how can I help you?” She asks.

The men pay her no mind and focus on the grumbling Horns beside her. His complaints come out mumbled and muffled as if he knows speaking any louder will bring him more trouble. It's enough for Narra to near.

“These dumb novices. Stupid family. Stupid kingdom. Stupid –”

“Sir Kylos, the kingdom would like it if you'd return to us now.” The man cuts off his mumbling, earning a low grow from Horns. 

Narra gives her an annoyed friend a questioning glance, but she catches up with his thoughts.

So that's his name…’

He and she had been friends for quite a while. Horns is a regular in her tavern. They never bother poking into each other's lives and Horns never revealed his name.

“It doesn't look like he wants to.” Her blank words surprise the group of demons, as well as Horns and Norman. The young traveler places his hand on her shoulder.

“Uhm, Narra…” The boy's words come out uneasy and concerned, sweat dripping down his forehead as he attempts to pull Narra back a bit.

He doesn't know what was happening, it's all so sudden and no one bothers to explain.

The supposed ‘leader’ of the men raises a brow at Narra's word. The corner of his lugs tug upward and he finds the cloaked girl amusing.

“Do you speak for him?”

“No, not if he allows it. I'm merely trying to help a friend.”

The leader's smirk fades into a grimace as he releases a sigh of disapproval.

“Sir Kylos,” He calls once again, no longer finding the situation amusing.

Not only is the young devil rejecting his duties as a royal, but he's getting a peasant woman to defend him. It's an embarrassing act, and it seems that Horns finds it embarrassing as well.

“Yeah, I get it…” Horns says aloud.

He adjusts his position, now standing in front of Narra and Norman as he faces the men. The group of novices nod, turning their horses around as they prepare to take off. Horns confronts his friends, an apologetic yet guilty look on his features.

“Sorry to drag you two into this.” His tone comes out sincere, but it carries a sense of aid as if he wants the two to come with him.

Narra's gaze sharpens as she nods at Horns’ words. She turns to Norman with a soft smile.

“Norman, you can carry on without us.”

Both pairs of eyes widen at her words. Horns looks aside and Norman appears as uneasy as earlier on.

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