Season 4, Part 10

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Surprisingly, I was put in a carriage with Eren, all by myself. I was tied around my wrists, and during the whole ride I didn't look at Eren. My hair was tangled and a mess. "Your hair looked better short. Perhaps you should cut it."

"I'm not talking to you." I told him right away, refusing to look at him.

"Why do I have to sit here with you, Eren?" I asked after a few minutes, who was sitting across me. I could still feel his cold stare on me.

"I wanted you to. There wasn't any space in any other carriages as well." he shrugged.

I scoffed, flipping what hair I could over my shoulders. He leaned forward and brushed my hair out of my face for me. "Don't touch me!" I hissed, leaning back, daggers in my eyes.

"What happened to that kindness just a while ago?" he leaned back, his expression still blank. 

"You're a... tr-traitor! You hurt Mikasa and Armin! How dare you! We're your friends, Eren! Why would you do this to us!?" I shouted at him while holding back sobs.

He sighed, looking out the window.

"You're the only one who's changed in a good way. Out of all our friends anyway. Your genes are probably making you feel this way right now. You don't really hate me. I'm an ally to you that you've known for years. You may hate me right now, but deep inside you'll never bring yourself to truly hate me. I'm being serious about this, while let me tell you- I was lying about Mikasa just to stop her being attached to me and following me around. With you, everything I said was true."

"Stop it! You're lying about me too so I can be on your side!" I protested, tears running down my face yet again.

Eren rolled his eyes and continued.

"With Bertholdt and Reiner, you barely knew them, but once you knew they were enemies, you gave up everything you had learned and liked about them, and put everything in your power to make sure they were vanquished, as they were threatening your loved ones. When you had to choose between Armin and Erwin, your body froze up because your genes were programmed to kill anyone outside that is threatening your people. You had to choose to kill one of your own that you cared for. So, you just shut down."

I shook my head violently, trying not to remember that horrible day. "Eren! Shut up! I don't CARE if either my own will is making me do certain actions, or if it's just my genes acting on impulse! You said some of those factors could be cancelled out or changed from my father's blood anyway! Shut up SHUT UP!" I screamed, my hair flailing everywhere and getting tangled.

"True, but I'll only stop talking and hurting our friends- if you tell me where Zeke is." he told me, and I was silent once more.

I looked out the window as tears rolled down my stained cheeks. "I'm not telling you where Zeke is. This is another choice where I have to choose over my loved ones. I love Levi more than anything. If I tell you where Zeke is Levi will die. I know you can't kill our friends. You can hurt them, but I know they can survive it." I finally told him.

"Yes. Sooner or later Levi will be killed, as long as he's with Zeke. If I can't get the information from you, I'll have to get it from Hange or someone else. That last part too.. you saw what happened back there with Armin. You don't know the new me, Valeri." Eren replied.

"Shut up."


"What!?" I lashed my head to look at him in the eyes from anger.

Then he kissed me.

Eren kissed me.

It lasted for a few seconds. I sat there frozen from shock.

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