Season 3, Part 4

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"Ah!" I winced, dropping my knife and grabbing my hand. I had nicked myself again, and even though it hurt, I fought back the tears. I was 9 years old, a "big girl". I didn't want Uncle Kenny getting mad at me for crying over a small cut.

"Aw jeez, you cut yourself again? Come over here and lemme bandage it..." Uncle Kenny groaned.

I trudged over to him in the mud, wearing a blue cardigan and a purple cotton dress. I wore leather shoes too small for me that were damaged from the sewer water and mud. Kenny said he would get me new ones when I turned 10 in a few days.

"You need to put more force into the swing after you flip the knife around. I keep telling you this." Kenny scolded me as he bandaged my palm, covered in scars. "I know Uncle, but this is the one move I never seem to master." I told him for the millionth time.

"Sigh. Well your birthday's coming up, and I got a real nice surprise for you." He told me.

I whined, tugging on his sleeve. "Oh can't you tell me already? My birthday is just 2 days away!" 

A dark look appeared on his face. "Fine. I won't tell you what your surprise, but there's other news I suppose I should tell you now. Come inside." I frowned. Something was wrong.

He sat me down in the small house we lived in, and crossed his arms.

"Valeri, you know how I said your parents were coming back for you some day?" He asked me. I nodded, knowing this. "Well, they died a month ago. In an excursion outside the walls. So, I decided to move you to the surface on your birthday." He told me.

Everything stopped in a heartbeat. "Mom and Dad... are dead?" I asked him slowly in disbelief. He nodded.

"Yep, and that screws up the plans they had for you. I'm sorry it had to come to this. But I can't take care of you since they're dead now. Honestly I'm surprised, they were a tough pair."

I didn't feel exactly sad. I had never met my parents, but I knew I would get the chance to one day. Now, that chance was taken away from me forever. I would never know their faces, their touch and warmth, their voices...

Kenny handed me a letter. "They told me to hand this to you 10 years ago if something ever happened to them. It would explain everything. Burn it when you're done reading it, and you best better remember the contents." he ordered.

I nodded. I always followed whatever Kenny had in store for me. It's how I've been raised. He knew what he was doing and I was a kid who didn't know anything.

"Pack your things. I'll be back in two days to transport you." He told me lastly, standing up to leave.

Before he left, he tossed me something. "Oh yeah, take this. It was your mother's. She gave it to me before she left for the Survey Corps with your dad. It's the last noble valuable her family had before they were prosecuted and it's supposed to be passed down from mom to daughter." He spoke.

I caught it and took a look. It was a golden heart shaped locket with a small crest with a flower, with a tiny diamond in the middle.

This was the closest I'd ever get to meeting my mom. I hung it around my neck, making sure to always treasure and protect it. "Remember also Valeri, stay away from the short black haired kid who lives across town." He advised me.

I never knew why he told me this, but I never questioned him. I've seen him a few times beating up some crooks and drunkards with a girl and another boy, but never had a good look at his face. I didn't really care to know anyway.

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