Season 4, Part 7

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I chuckled at the memory, smiling with my eyes closed. "Oi, brat. What're you smiling for?" Levi asked me. "Oh!" I jumped, opening my eyes. "Just remembering something happy.." I muttered.

We had now arrived at the town center, stepping out of the carriage.

"Mama! Dada!" Our son Leo wobbled towards us, a smile on his face.

"Leo, you've gotten so big!" I smiled and picked my son up, hugging him. Levi came by my side a few seconds after. He had locked Zeke in a room.

"He's already faster and brighter than the kids trice his age, I think he gets it from both of you." Historia came forward, grinning softly. While she still smiled, you could see the emptiness in her eyes. Her stomach had expanded now to be quite noticeable. She would near her birth soon.

"You doing alright, your majesty?" I frowned, as Leo babbled and pulled on my hair. "Valeri, give him here-" Levi took Leo from my arms and walked into a separate room while I talked to the Queen.

"I'm doing fine.. I only did this to protect myself, because.. well... Eren told me to." Historia muttered, rubbing her stomach.

"Oh.. Wait, Eren told you to do this to yourself? I agree using you to inherit the Beast Titan and to use your children is a horrible plan yet the only one we have, so I see why Eren told you to do this. Was he the one to tell you the whole plan or was it... someone else beforehand? Historia. You can tell me."

Historia, gulped, hesitating, before very quietly answering. ".... I'm sorry, I can't tell you that. I made a promise. But, there are some things that are going to happen today that Eren set up."

I nodded, placing my arms on her shoulders and hugging her. "I see. Thank you for telling me your majesty, I hope you do well." I saluted her, watching her be escorted back into her room before leaving into the room Levi went to.

When I walked in I saw Levi laughing and playing with Leo. It's been about a year since I saw him like this with Leo, so the sight made me happy.

"Enjoying time with your son?" I sat next to him on the couch, holding his hand.

"Yeah, Leo is something I never thought I needed in my life so much.." He grinned heartwarmly, rubbing my palm with his thumb.

"Yes.. Anyway, I have to tell you something Queen Historia just told me..." I whispered everything she just told me into his ear, causing his grin to turn into a frown.

"...I see. When we're done here you go back right away and try to prevent whatever it is Eren planned with the soldiers. I'm guessing Floch is definitely following him considering how much he agrees and follows Eren. I have to stay behind with my orders of watching Zeke."

I nodded and got up. "Yes, I understand that. Let's play with Leo for a bit longer- we only get another half hour, anyway!"

The time we spent with our son felt so short. Before we knew it we had to leave again. When Leo realized we were leaving, he started to bawl and wouldn't let go of me- a nurse had to wrench him off. It broke my heart to see him so unhappy.

Multiple carriages were waiting outside for us. The one facing the opposite direction was the carriage I was supposed to go in.

Before Levi went into his carriage with Zeke, I pulled him into me and gave him a long kiss, before pulling away. "...I love you, don't let that fucking monkey get to you too much, okay?" I mumbled into his ear so Zeke wouldn't hear.

"Wouldn't dream of it happening." He gave me the slightest smirk and pecked me on the cheek, before we went our opposite ways. I nodded and clutched the half of the locket I had around my neck, before taking my own leave.

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